Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I Hate Packing

Our apartment looks like it got hit by a tornado. Boxes here and there with items piled and scattered about with no reason. Packing is the the bane of my existence. I hate packing. Perhaps hate isn't a strong enough word. I loathe packing. We're trying to do more packing ourselves for this move to bring down the cost. Yippee.

Monday, August 18, 2008

California Here We Come

Hubby officially resigned from his job today so the 'cat's out of the bag': he's got a new gig at a start-up in Silicon Valley so we're moving to California in a few weeks. Life has been crazy this month as we waited for the law firm to file the visa transfer and finally received receipt of it from Homeland Security. Now we must decide on a moving company and pack. We're still waiting to hear from the rental in California to see if we've been 'approved'. Credit checks for rentals...this is what the mortgage crisis has created. We're incrediby excited about starting this new adventure.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Olympic Fever

Lately I've been struck by Olympic fever...much to Hubby's chagrin. Every evening I feel compelled to turn the television to NBC to catch up on the swimming and gymnastics. Last night was thrilling with the women's gymnastics all-round (I think that's what it's called) final with Shawn Johnson and Nastia Liukin. I was cheering for Liukin as she is from North Texas, and I was annoyed at how the media had prematurely crowned Shawn Johnson. Liukin was so elegant she made her routines look easy.