Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Earth Day Already?

Happy belated Earth Day! I am always forgetting holidays, but as long as I remember Mother's Day, Father's Day and Hubby's birthday I think I am doing well.

It was difficult to forget it was Earth Day if you watched any show on NBC that day. Everyone seemed to be wearing green clothing or going off on tangents about climate change and the environment.

On the topic of Earth Day, I must mention that while Hubby and I were on the way to the Indian Casino in Oklahoma* on the weekend we noticed these huge semi-trailer trucks carting something strange. At first glance it resembled a huge dinosaur tusk, but that didn't make sense because it wasn't carefully covered. Then I thought it might be a piece of artwork for a museum installation. After we saw three of these semi-trailer trucks pass, Hubby (ever the sharpest knife in the drawer) concluded that they were part of a giant windmill that generates electricity. They were massive in size and probably on their way to West Texas.

*Okay. Must admit that it was my idea to check out the Indian Casino, Choctaw, in Durant, Oklahoma. I dragged Hubby there because I wanted to check it out due to the flood of advertising they've done on radio and television lately. Alright, I have a thing for slot machines. Yes, I know that the odds are stacked against anyone winning on them, but I am amused by the noise and flashing lights. It's strictly entertainment. Hubby tried some blackjack (better known to me as '21' when I played it as a child with my Gram). We were surprised to discover that Oklahoma taxes this game by asking for 50 cents per bet...really. Guess they want their cut of the profits. Hubby and I felt quite young while we were there as the average age was 62. We didn't stay long as the smoke was overpowering -- especially the stench of cheap cigars. They really need to invest in a better ventilation system or start pumping in oxygen like the big casinos in Vegas.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sex & The City Movie Ad

Recently I spotted a print advertisement for the new Sex & The City movie that is coming out to theatres in May. Basically, it had Sarah Jessica Parker's name splashed across the top in bold lettering with a huge photo of Ms Parker underneath. Meanwhile, the other ladies are featured with tiny photos in the bottom left corner with their names printed in small (as compared to Ms Parker)typeface. Is this advertisement a joke? Or maybe this conveys Ms Parker's personal viewpoint of the movie: it's all about her character. Gee, and here I thought Sex & The City was an ensemble. Seriously, not sure if I can handle the movie being mainly about the Carrie Bradshaw character...this may be a rental for me.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


The past couple of days have seen the finales of a few shows that I watch on television, including 'Rock of Love II With Bret Michaels', 'Biggest Loser', and 'Real Housewives of New York City'.

First, the Sunday night finale of 'Rock of Love II' was highly anticipated by Hubby and myself. The show is like 'The Bachelor' on an acid trip. Gotta love the query, "Will you stay here and continue to rock my world?" Much better than, "Will you accept this rose?" The women on the show were slightly more subdued than last year, although there always seems to be a crazy person or someone that everyone else hates. The final two were Daisy and Ambre with Bret Michaels choosing Ambre. I was totally surprised by this decision since Ambre appears to be a mature, confident woman who is just a few years younger than himself -- as opposed to the twenty-year age difference with Daisy, a 'girl' who could not talk her way out of a paperbag even if her life depended on it.

Second, the 'Biggest Loser' finale was last night. Must admit that this is my guilty pleasure. I started watching episodes last year, but was never really hooked into watching each episode like I was with this past season, and I really can't explain it. Perhaps it was because I was secretly rooting for Kelly and her ex-husband Paul. Week after week, even after Paul was sent home, it looked like Kelly would be sent packing only to get above the yellow line at the weigh-in. Another woman, Ali, won last night, but her abrasiveness prevented me from rooting for her. It really is amazing to see how much weight each person has lost. Although, I must admit that at the beginning of the season I had a major cupcake craving because they would always have them in the temptation challenges...and I would invariably have one while watching 'Biggest Loser'!

Third, the 'Real Housewives of NYC' was also on last night. Hubby does not watch this as he finds it over-the-top, but I see much humour in these women of excess. The finale was anti-climatic and seemed to cut the season short...or maybe the season wasn't long to begin with. Nothing really exciting except Bethenny threatening Jill with a chopstick after she drilled Bethenny about what presents she received for her birthday. Perhaps it was hitting too close to the boyfriend-moving-in-getting-married-getting-pregnant questioning that Bethenny is herself obsessing over in her own mind. It was great to see the Countess doing volunteer work with an organization that helps get homeless people off the streets, off drugs, and back into the workforce. She helped a woman by going through a mock interview and giving critical advice regarding what to wear on an interview. The show ended with an anniversary party for Jill and Bobby at the 21 Club. Nothing shocking except Ramona was late, but very apologetic, and Alex's children were absolute monsters. Not only do these kids need a good haircut, but they need to be taught how to behave well in social situations. This show makes me yearn for the somewhat easygoing ways of 'The Real Housewives of OC'.

Friday, April 11, 2008


Yesterday I went shopping for a spring dress. Alas, I had no luck finding a dress that looked good on my body. Yes, like most women I do not have a perfect figure, but I like myself and want to go through life wearing nice clothes and looking good. While at Macy's I noticed racks of suits on sale so I picked a handful and went off to a fitting room. Sizes are not uniform and everything from fabric to style can affect how a suit fits. After trying on a handful of suits that weren't quite right I tried on the Tahari skirt and jacket. What a pleasant surprise; the suit fit like it had been tailored for me. So, if there are any ladies out there looking for a great suit, try Tahari.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Last Night's Real Housewives of NYC

As the first season comes to a close with the finale next week, the women are finally appearing more sympathetic. The first episode made them appear one-dimensional, and while they're not as endearing as the OC Housewives, there does appear to be a sensitive side emerging.

Honestly, I could not stand Ramona in the beginning. But, after hearing her background story regarding her mother and father, everything she does makes complete sense now. Her mother was trapped in a miserable marriage due to economic reasons, so Ramona became an independent woman and has difficulty relating to the co-dependent Alex and Simon relationship. Ramona did overreact slightly, but she did explain that she had a rotten day at work. Kudos for her admitting that she went to therapy and also for marrying a really kind and understanding man.

The Countess disappointed last night with her etiquette hang-ups. First, to correct someone (especially infront of cameras) for making an etiquette mistake is rude. Second, Bethenny is on a first-name basis with her boyfriend's driver and it was only natural for her to introduce the Countess to him using first names. Thirdly, a Countess named LuAnn? I would have definitely changed that 15 years ago into something more plain like Ann or Lu, or fun like Lulu. Loved that she wanted her son to learn breakdancing and that she likes to hangout with her twentysomething niece. But, honestly think she's more fun when she's not around the Count and her kids.

Jill was really grating in the beginning, but she is evolving into a likeable 'character'...oops, person. Wish she would take it easier on her daughter and show her as much love as she shows her little dog (and the dog licking her nose is disgusting). Her accent is unreal! But, she really gave some great advice to Bethenny last week regarding her 'running away' to Miami to avoid her problem with Jason. She is grounded and stable and admires her succesful sister, which must have been difficult growing up and being compared to her.

Alex, or should it be Alex-Simon, let's just label them Silex because they seem to be joined at the hip. What a pretentious pair!!! Honestly, they are the comic relief of the show. I can imagine that Francois will be picked on at school. They are so particular about how they look, where they go, who they socialize with and yet their house is awful; maybe even a dump. Perhaps they should cut some of their social climbing for a season and focus on fixing the place. On the positive side, Alex has shown kindness to Bethenny while she has been going through a difficult time with her boyfriend.

Bethenny so far is the most down-to-earth among the bunch, but she isn't really a housewife is she? She's divorced and dating a recently divorced man with kids and she's really trying to sort out that situation with regards to her own dreams of having a child at some point. Gladshe went back to him after her weekend in Miami, although her girlfriend down there was brutal with the comments regarding her motherhood dream. Loved how she reacted to the Countess and her etiquette obsession.

As this first season concludes it leaves me wondering whether they will do another season in NYC, or if they'll go from city to city. Still, can't beat the ladies in the OC.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Out With The Old

Recently I have been struck by urges to clean house. You know, out with the old stuff we have been lugging around for ages and getting down to what is really useful and required. Ruthlessly going through clothing, shoes and handbangs and donating what I have been keeping that no longer fits and that I have not worn in two years...or frightfully, since two or three moves ago...really.

For some bizarre reason I hold onto items of clothing for sentimental reasons, like the long black gown I haven't worn in more than ten years, but what fun I had wearing it to the gala that night. It is now gone to the Arc Dallas box at Albertsons (McKinney and Lemmon), as well as my tiny size 6 skirts and slacks as my days of starvation are long over (and eating is a 'good thing'). My favourite green wool turtleneck and cardigan that I saved to buy from Benetton all those years ago is there too, as well as the bright pink wool sweater set I bought a couple of weeks into dating my husband and the sweater matched the glowing blush in my cheeks, but that was almost nine years ago and I have not worn it in five years.

I read somewhere that getting rid of old clothes and things that no longer have meaning in your life creates space for new things to enter your life: out with the old and in with the new.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Happy 100 Bette Davis!

This morning while sipping coffee and perusing the movies on Turner Classic Movies, I noticed that there is a Bette Davis movie marathon on today. Why? Well, today marks one hundred years since the birth of Ruth Elizabeth Davis (1908-1989), one of the late great movie stars of the 1930s and 40s. Love those old black and white films where everyone seemed more elegant and clever than today. My memories of Bette Davis are limited to late night television showings of 'All About Eve' and 'Jezebel', and seeing Ms. Davis on 'The Tonight Show' with Johnny Carson in the 1980s. Really tempted to stay in today and watch Bette Davis movies, although I've missed 'The Cabin in The Cotton' from 1932 with one of my favourite movie quotes: "I'd live to kiss you, but I just washed my hair."

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

How Do They Get Those Low Prices?

Wal-Mart just dropped a lawsuit against a former employee who has been left brain-damaged after a car accident. Wal-Mart sued the family to recover medical costs totaling about $470,000. After bad publicity the retail behemoth has dropped the claim. Sometimes you have to wonder what they really do to get those low-prices, and let your conscience be your guide before you set foot in a Wal-Mart again.

Go Forth and Spend

Everyone keeps going on about the sputtering of the US economy. Talking heads giving away financial advice on television tell people to save the tax-rebate, but really what good is it going to do in the bank earning next to no interest. Go forth and spend that tax rebate. Honestly, go out and buy something new for yourself. Look at this rebate as a surprise gift and buy clothes, shoes, a handbag, a samll LCD television, etc. Of course, don't buy all of those things at once, but think of something special that you didn't get for Christmas and treat yourself. Spending this rebate money will help stimulate the economy, and maybe make you feel good yourself. Although, if you've gotten yourself into one of those craaaazy sub-prime mortgages, the only advice I have is to 'find' God and pray, and maybe think twice before getting yourself into buying a home again. Don't go crazy worrying about your investments because this time next year everything will have corrected itself and we'll be on the road to recovery. Business cycles have a way of going back up after they fall. Now, if I can only convince Hubby that my spending is part of my plan to help stimulate the US economy into recovery....