Saturday, September 29, 2007

It's happened again. Just after I start watching a couple episodes of a new television show that has premiered on a network for the fall season, the network decides to yank it off the air. Hubby and I started watching 'Nashville' on Fox a couple of weeks ago and actually liked it -- which surprised both of us. I thought it showed some potential if they would only focus more on the music business and less on the gossip and social life aspect of breaking into the Nashville music business. We were looking forward to watching it on Friday night but we couldn't find it on the tv schedule. Then I tried searching it on Tivo to see if Fox put it on another night, but it wasn't there at all. I really wish networks would let shows run to the end and tie up loose ends before cancelling. It just makes us not want to bother watching any new television shows. Thank God for cable television networks! I now live for 'Mad Men' on AMC...but that deserves its own post.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Why, Kiefer, Why?

Oh, Kiefer, what have you done? Got caught behind the wheel after imbibing too many drinks. Have to admit that I'm not surprised as he does like to drink. In the late 90s when he was working on 'The Glass Menagerie' at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa he spent quite a bit of time hanging out at the Elephant & Castle pub drinking. How do I know? Well, before I met Hubby he spent a great deal of time as a barfly at Elephant & Castle (or E&C as he lovingly refers to it). When we first started dating he told me about how he had 'hung out' with Kiefer Sutherland at E&C. Yeah, Hubby was at the bar while Kiefer was across the room at a table. Oh, Kiefer, when will you learn about designated drivers?

Friday, September 21, 2007

I watched most of the Democratic Health/Finance Debate last night on PBS (good old KERA). It was great to see the candidates speak out on their plans for universal health care and getting their little jabs at each other as well as the Republicans. Judy Woodruff is a superb moderator and managed to keep them all in line. Joe Biden and John Edwards really stole the show, while Hillary just frightens me with her vague answers (especially the one about ending the war in Iraq). Loved Joe Biden's plan to end the war in Iraq -- his years of political experience really shone through the rhetoric. Meanwhile, where was Obama???? MIA. He just dropped the ball.
A complete 24hrs after finishing that 'Magical Leek Soup' and I feel so much better. I was having nasty chocolate/sugar cravings while subsisting on that stuff, but now that I'm back to eating a 'balanced' diet the cravings have disappeared. Maybe my body was trying to make up for the lack of nutrients I was digesting.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Magical Leek Soup

Yesterday I decided to try the Magical Leek Soup (Broth) recipe from the book "French Women Don't Get Fat" by Mireille Guiliano. Okay, I will admit that I actually bought the book (and I did read it) over two years ago, but I've always had the intention of trying to make this 'weekend' soup thing. One is supposed to make the soup, then drink the broth and eat the cooked leeks over a weekend...or 48 hours. It is supposed to be "an emergency weekend remedy"...guess it's supposed to cleanse and de-tox. Anyway, Hubby left for a business trip yesterday and will be gone for a couple of days so I saw my window of opportunity. I cut up the leeks, made the soup, and began the 'cleanse'. After 24hrs, the smell of leeks is oozing from my pores. Our place smells like a huge leek, and the result of imbibing leeks for a 24 hour period is a massive amount of, well, gas. My advice is to try this "Magical Leek Soup" when you're alone and/or with the windows open. (I will admit that the broth tastes better the day after it has been cooked). Good luck.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Have I mentioned that I've started watching the tv program 'Rock of Love with Bret Michaels'? It started just over a week ago last Saturday when Hubby and I were taking it easy, drinking coffee, chatting, and flipping channels on television when we came across VH1 and this show started. Guess we've missed most of the series as he's down to the last handful of eligible 'rocker chicks', but man-oh-man it's addictive. It's like watching a train-wreck -- you don't really want to watch but you just can't tear your eyes off the mess. Yesterday he met the parents of Lacey, Heather, and Jess. Jess seems to be the only woman there with sound and clear thinking. Lacey is completely nuts...but entertaining. Heather, well Heather is the stripper with a heart of gold-plated brass. He should pick Jess, but Heather somehow looks the role of rocker girlfriend.
Hubby and I were thrilled last Friday to receive the Christopher Burkett photograph we purchased in Carmel last August. Yesterday we put a nail in the wall in the living room and placed it above the sofa. I always feel bad about putting nails in walls. Not sure where this guilt comes from. In our last home hubby and I put numerous holes in the wall trying to get two paintings to hang evenly side-by-side...until we finally figured out that one was ever so slightly bigger than the other. Luckily the paintings hid the holes, but I can only imagine the puzzled looks of the couple who purchased our home upon discovering the tiny nail holes in the living room wall.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Happy 100th Birthday Neiman Marcus

According to the advertisement in today's Dallas Morning News: "On September 10, 1907, three visionaries, Herbert Marcus, Carrie Marcus Neiman, and Al Neiman, opened a store in Dallas, Texas, that still defines the word luxury a century later."
Thank you Herbert, Carrie, and Al for having the vision to open such a wonderful department store in what was then a western frontier city with dirt streets.
Happy 100th Birthday Neiman Marcus!

Here's the chocolate chip cookie recipe.
PS Great to see the lovely (and fellow Canadian) Linda Evangelista featured in the Neiman Marcus ads.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Cowboys are leading the NY Jets 10 - 6.
Go, Cowboys, Go!!!!
Should I try out for the cheerleaders now?

That's Not a Comeback, Britney

Just watched Britney's performance opening the MTV Video Music Awards. Oh, my....She was wearing a matching set of bra and panties, and after having two children she really shouldn't be exposing that navel and torso...really. The dancing was okay, but she didn't seem to be 'there'...she just wasn't into the performance. The kicker was that she actually quit lip synching at several points and so it really killed the illusion that she was singing. Was this performance supposed to be her comeback? Was this performance supposed to kick-start her flagging career? Britney didn't show an ounce of enthusiasm, so why should anyone care anymore? Britney, give us a reason to care.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Hubby and I are going the the drive-in tonight to see a double feature. I'm actually excited as I've never been to see a movie at a drive-in theater. Really. But, whenever I think of a drive-in I always think of the movie 'Grease'.

Is Bret Michaels Bald?

Happened to catch Rock of Love on VH1 earlier this morning and couldn't help but wonder if Bret Michaels of Poison fame is now bald. He's always seen with his head covered and blond locks flowing underneath a bandana, cowboy hat, or helmet. I've found pictures of him on the internet with a full head of hair back in the 80s 'big hair heyday'. Is he trying to hide something with all the head gear?

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Hubby is away on business for the next day so I'm giving myself an algae facial, blogging, and watching old Woody Allen movies (Hubby hates Woody). Maybe I can start reading 'Eat, Pray, Love' by Elizabeth Gilbert if I can tear myself away from the mac. Damn. Ever since Hubby bought the mac notebook I have been addicted. It was love at first click.
Catching up on Tivo tonight. Watched this week's episode of The Fashionista Diaries. Still surprised about Jane magazine folding. I've been looking for the September issue for a couple of weeks so I could read Rachel and Andrew's article. Bridget still needs to lose the whiney voice, but it was that evil woman at the PR agency who needed a slap. It was just awful how she treated that intern by making fun of her shoes...she's an intern therefore she can't afford to buy this season's shoes.
Received an email from North Park regarding the upcoming Fashion at the Park beginning November 1. I'm seriously thinking about purchasing a ticket. There are runway shows as well as a High Tea hosted by Hamish Bowles for the launch of the Vogue Living book.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

There is a wonderful riddle concerning old Hollywood that can be found on It was posted on Friday and I have been obsessed with it this past weekend. Supposedly a talented young actor with a slight build found success on stage and in Hollywood as an 'actress'. He/she found love with a closeted 'A' list actor, and won awards as an 'actress, but soon dropped out of Hollywood, and a couple of years later the 'actress' died. The actor then resumed his career as a man. It's mysterious and captivating....and I am obsessed. Check out