Friday, November 30, 2007

Bumper Sticker

Here's a bumper sticker spotted recently on a Mercedes SUV in the Dallas neighborhood of Uptown:

"My Dog is Smarter Than Your Honor Student."

What time is it?

Okay, it's been two days since we got back from Maui and I'm still on island time. Woke up at 11:30am, 7:30am island time. Had porridge for lunch and I'm still sipping the coffee. Hmmm....kona coffee...hmmm. The best coffee I've ever had was when we stopped at a small fruit stand on the road past Hana -- think it was called the Ginger Fruit Stand. Anyway, we were looking for Charles Lindberg's grave and couldn't find the road to the church so we stopped there for directions. They had fresh-baked cookies and sold only organic fruits. They also made smoothies using a blender that is run by riding a bicycle (yeah, it's funny to see a bicycle in the middle of the fruit stand). Hubby and I bought coffee and it was amazing!! We wanted to buy some but the woman told us that they don't produce enough of their own to sell. They did sell coffee beans from Ono Organic Farms, and I'm still kicking myself for not buying some of those beans. Everyone was so laid back there. They just laughed when they heard that Japanese tourists had gotten stuck trying to go over the barrier where the highway was closed. They joked that if they waited until dark before going to help them then they'd make more money...well, honestly, the barrier was put up because the highway is closed due to last year's earthquake, but perhaps the tourists can't read English. And yes, we did finally find Charles Lindbergh's grave, which is in a lovely churchyard overlooking the Pacific ocean.

Cheese Heads Get Grated

The Cowboys beat the Packers last night and are now 11-1. Whoohoo! There were loads of crazy 'cheese heads' at the game -- still can't believe that people wear foam cheese on their heads. Crazy fans. The big moment was when Packers quarter-back Brett Favre was hurt. Is this the end of the season for him or the end of the line? Tony Romo played well -- he made the first touchdown pass look easy. Let's hope he can focus on the game for the rest of the season and not get too distracted from the ladies he's dating. Hope he remembers not to invite them to games...remember what happened the night Carrie Underwood was in the stands last January? Still trying to shake the memory of when he let that ball slip through his hands while setting up for the field goal (aka the bobble incident). Still cringe when I think of it. Focus on the game Tony.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Cowboys vs Packers

Before I pull myself away from the computer to finish the laundry, I must mention that there's a HUGE football game tonight for Dallas Cowboys fans. The Cowboys take on the Green Bay Packers. It's Brett Favre vs. Tony Romo. I can't wait. Even though Hubby and I are both exhausted we will be watching the game on television tonight. Just a bummer that it's being televised on the NFL channel and not one of the big national networks. Luckily in Dallas we will be watching on channel 27. Go Cowboys go!!! NOTE: There are LOTS of Cowboys fans in Maui.

R.I.P. Gecko

Back from Maui this morning and the four hour time change has messed up my 'internal guidance system'. So, I went for a walk in the sunshine to try and jump-start it. Let's just say it was refreshing outside -- 60s. Sadly, I found the remnants of a gecko on the sidewalk in front of our place...and he was quite flat. Must have met his fate under a bicycle tire or large foot. Ironically while in Maui we discovered that geckos are a sign of good luck. Rest in peace Gecko.

Maui = Ahhhhhhh!

We got back from Maui bright and early this morning (5 am). I'm so relaxed right now..ahhhhhh. Wow. Will write more later as I'm up to my belly button in laundry. Must find our way back to the Road to Hana again.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Flying to Maui Tomorrow!

Yes, I can hardly believe we are flying out to Maui on American Airlines in less than 24 hours. Have I finished packing yet? No, but I've got all the clothes piled on the bed and just need to put them in my suitcase. I have one last load of laundry in the dryer. It's the little things that slow me down, like trying to decide what to wear tomorrow for the 7hr flight; what coat/jacket to wear; what shoes to wear. Hubby is really happy that we are off to Maui tomorrow as he really needs a break from work. I am grateful and thankful that we are able to fly to Maui.

PC Woes

Having problems with the pc today. When I tried logging into blogger I was told that my cookies had been disabled. Must talk to Hubby about this because the only cookies I know about are gingerbread located in my fridge. So, I'm blogging on the Mac, but blogger isn't quite compatible with Mac. But, I am thankful that we have two computers. Let the gratitude begin.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Maui Countdown

Maui countdown: 3 more days!!! Woohoo!!! Guess I really should start thinking about packing and forget about how zonked I am from yesterday's Cowboys vs. Redskins game. (I am a believer now).

How 'bout them Cowboys

After almost two years living in Dallas Hubby and I finally attended our first Dallas Cowboys game yesterday. (Okay, I will admit that last year I was less than enthusiastic for the 'boys, but this year they are WINNING and I love a bandwagon!) What an experience! We thought we'd go two hours before the game to be "early". Hahahah! Yeah, and when we got there the parking lots were almost completely full. To go early to a Cowboys game means to arrive at least four hours pre-game. The parking lots are insane: people sitting around in lawn chairs under 'tents', grills full of every imaginable meat, impromptu games of football, and we even saw flat-screen televisions on tailgates (guess that would explain some of the generators we saw being load up after the game). The parking lot we were in was a converted field with a bit of gravel strewn about -- it honestly felt like I was at Shawville Fair as we were making our way to Texas Stadium. Love how they have special routes for pedestrians into the stadium, which includes walking past crazy fans who take pleasure in heckling those who dare wear fan-gear of the visiting team. Texas Stadium is showing its age and is worse for wear (the bathrooms are awful) so it's a good thing that the new stadium will be open in 2009. One thing though is that there isn't a bad seat in the place. The Cowboys vs Redskins game was great. Hubby predicted it would be a blowout for Dallas and he was wrong; it was a close and exciting game. We were sitting in the end zone with the sun shining on us amidst all the crazy Redskins fans. The fans really get into the games. It was just as much fun to watch them as it was the game itself. I will admit that it's easier to follow football games on television than it is in the stadium, but nothing beats the exhileration of watching a Cowboys game at Texas Stadium. Go Cowboys Go!!

Friday, November 16, 2007


Since it is less than a week until we take off for Maui, I decided to mozy down to our neighborhood Borders and peruse the travel books. They had a multitude to choose from, but I finally settled on a Top-10 book (Hubby loves these lists) and one listing various places to visit and great vistas along routes called "Maui Revealed, The Ultimate Guidebook" by Andrew Doughty, printed by Wizard Publications Inc. Of course whenever I'm in Borders I always end up buying more than I planned when I arrived. Found a great book for Hubby (although it weighs a ton) and will be part of his Christmas gift; and I picked up a book for myself on Peter Jennings. Bookstores are my weakness. Now I must decide what book to bring for Maui: a light, fluffy 'beach' book, or literature. This may take more time than packing.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hair in My Eyes

Had an appointment with my hair-god Brian yesterday and got the bob looking shorter, tamer, and in control. Also got some sunny highlights and the color looks amazing. The big change is that I got a long fringe/bangs. I was apprehensive since the last time I asked for bangs (5 years ago) the stylist totally butchered them and they looked dreadful...and I couldn't wait to grow them out. Brian was great and showed me how to tame them and emphasized that I must blow dry my bangs everyday even if I let the rest of my hair air dry -- thanks to a couple of cowlicks at my hairline. Love the new 'doo', but the fringe is sooo long that it keeps getting in my eyes. The price one must pay for style.

Maui Countdown

Maui Countdown: 7 days to go! That's one week. OMG!! Am I prepared? Somewhat, I still have to work on lists for packing; decide what reading material I should bring (beach read or work of literature?); and littles details that I can't think of at the moment, but they probably will end up being critical in the end. But, before the Maui trip on Thanksgiving Day (anyone know if airport shops/restaurants are open on Thanksgiving?) I've got a dinner party in two days, which means a major clean sweep of home. Then, we are headed to a Cowboys game on Sunday afternoon. Woohoo! The Cowboys are taking on the Washington Redskins and I can't wait, but first I must whip up some cupcakes for Saturday and clean, clean, clean.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

It's 85F and I'm about to mix up a batch of gingerbread cookies for Christmas. Yeah, I'm trying to get in the Christmas spirit early but it still feels weird starting Christmas baking while wearing shorts and a tank top.

Monday, November 12, 2007

The Cowboys defeated the NY Giants yesterday. Can't wait until Sunday's game as Hubby and I will be going to see them take on the Washington Redskins. Hubby and I even bought Cowboys shirts to wear. Woohoo! Go Cowboys go!
Just saw Celine Dion's appearance on today's Oprah show. She was pure cheese, but that is Celine: pure fromage. Her show is closing in Vegas in December so now it will be safe to visit Vegas again. Someone really needs to talk to her about cutting her young son's long hair. Very long hair. Longer than I ever had it as a young girl. Kids like to fit in and be like everyone else because they will be teased to death if they stick out at all. Please keep his hair short until he decides to grow it long as a form of rebellion from you. Wonder if he'll write a tell-all autobiography in 25 years.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

The new season of 'Real Housewives of Orange County' premiered on Bravo last night, and for some perverse reason I get a kick out of watching these families with way too much money in their hands. For example, one mother leased a brand-new Mercedes for her daughter who is currently studying to be a nurse -- and the daughter's reaction was underwhelmed and shocked. The mother was surprised her daughter wasn't jumping up and down screaming with delight. Now, let's see, how many nurses do you know that drive around in a Mercedes? Then there is another wife/mother who looks like she stepped out of a wax museum. She has had so much work done on her face that she no longer ressembles a real person. She is the perfect example of a 'Plastic Woman' that I mentioned a few weeks ago.
Today it's sunny and 76F in Dallas. Honestly, I can't believe it's November. When I lived in the Great White North I absolutely hated November to the point where I dreaded the month. November back home is a cold, dark, dreary month with the leaves off the trees and the grass a shade of dead. Perhaps that is why I would start playing Christmas music mid-month back home to lift my spirits. Maybe this is 'Bizarro' world in Texas because I love November here. The weather finally cools down to the 70s and it's great to get outdoors and do things. Meanwhile, the leaves are beginning to turn color, although not as vibrant a display as back home, but still the crepe myrtle leaves turn a deep burgundy and other leaves mostly yellow. November is a joy here.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Josh Ritter

Before I forget, last week while in Austin Hubby and I went to see Josh Ritter in concert. It was special because it just happened to be my birthday and we just found out about the concert the night before. He performed at The Parish -- a small, intimate venue. Josh Ritter was amazing live. Loved how he interacted with the audience and recounted tales of his youth in Idaho -- especially during the song (and my fave) 'Kathleen' and finished it with part of Gershwin's 'Rhapsody in Blue'. Shivers went down my spine when the lights were dimmed and he started playing the song 'Wings'. Must admit that it was the only time where I've been at a concert and they had to close the windows because the band playing at the bar next door was too loud! If you like folk-rock music and you've never heard Josh Ritter, check him out -- especially the CD "Hello Starling".

No Place Like Home

Finally feel like I have recovered from the week away. Although it is great to get away, there is nothing like the feeling of arriving home again. The big pile of laundry from last week has finally been conquered and now I am organizing my plan of attack on the cleaning front...that is after I check my email, update the blog, surf the net! Ahhh, the joys of procrastination. We are having guests over for dinner a week from Saturday, so at least I have a deadline. Oh, but where to begin? Maybe after I make a cup of green tea.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Maui countdown: 17 more days!!! Let's hope the rain stops next week.

Gecko Here, Gecko There

One of the neat things about living in Texas are the encounters with lizards. Growing up in the Great White North meant that my only previous encounter with a lizard was a university friend's pet lizard named for Janis Joplin. So far this year I have had at least four encounters, which is surprising considering that I had zero last year. Perhaps they have flourished in 2007 due to all the rain we had in the spring. The first couple of times freaked me out as they were while I was walking and noticed something quickly cross my path. I kept telling Hubby that I'd seen a gecko, you know, like the one in the Geico ad, but he did not believe me until he saw one for himself Sunday afternoon on the drainpipe outside the garage. We were in the car and arriving home from Austin when he shouted to me. I thought he yelled "Deco! It's your Deco" -- I thought he was referring to Art Deco because I love Art Deco. But, it was our friendly neighborhood gecko heading face-first down the drainpipe. This morning I spotted another one on our second-floor balcony by our potted geraniums. The wonderful thing about geckos is that they munch on bugs -- especially cockroaches, and the roaches down here are big enough to eat a small child. I love my gecko.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Maui countdown: 22 more days!! Woohoo!!!

My Liver Hates Me

Still recovering from Halloween celebrations on 6th Street in Austin. It was absolute craziness with the street closed to traffic and people dressed up in costumes. Of course on 6th Street it is one bar after another with the odd tattoo shop scattered in between. Couldn't quite convince Hubby to get a tattoo. Anyway, lots of drunk people doing stupid stuff. I think people act differently when they are in costume -- a part of their personality emerges that is usually kept hidden. Maybe they think that the dressing up gives them a right to act out in some way. My favorites last night were: the guy dressed up like Hunter S. Thompson (complete with broken cigarette in cigarette holder), the woman dressed up like Marge Simpson (complete with huge blue wig) walking a small dog in a hot dog costume, the guy dressed like Hulk Hogan circa 1985, and last, but not least, Captain Morgan himself. Somehow, amidst all the madness, we ended up at Coyote Ugly thanks to Hubby and the sales guys hanging out with us (Hubby promised to take me out for sushi tonight to make up for it). Coyote Ugly is just a strange experience in itself. I was tempted to get up on the bar and dance with them, but I was afraid I'd topple over. After that, we ended up at the hotel bar and had a nightcap. My livers hates me today.