Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Frosty News

Back from Kauai and we are getting adjusted to the cooler temps here in the South Bay area as compared to Hawaii. At night it's been really chilly and there was some frost on cars this morning. Of course, this being California, it was on the local morning television news. Yes, frost was deemed newsworthy this morning. Now, if only I could get over how cold the broadcaster was who reported that a deadly car crash was "FINALLY getting cleaned up" so traffic could pass through, with zero respect that a human life was lost. Yikes. Hope I wasn't the only one bothered by the utter lack of compassion. Guess fatal car crashes are so common in Northern California that one does not warrant special regard.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Kauai Here We Come!

Hubby and I are off to Kauai tomorrow and I'm really excited. Of course, a trip means packing and I hate packing. Oh, yeah, this is where my procrastination gene kicks in. At the moment there are piles of clothes on the bed that need 'editing', so I am making progress, but I really don't feel like packing. Would be lovely to have a butler to do this for can dream, right? Hmmm...I really should pack and not blog, but first I'm going on iTunes and get a few songs for the nano. Hopefully Hubby won't be reading this or else I may be getting a phone call to get my 'butt in gear'.

Feeling My Age

Last weekend I was at the local mall and popped into Gap Body to check the sale bins of undies. As usual, by mid-afternoon the bins had merged to become a huge mound of assorted sizes. While hunting through the hill of panties on the table I found myself humming along to the store music. Luckily, I was not the only one doing this as a sales clerk a few feet away was singing the chorus..."Holiday!" know how it goes. It's that infectious early Madonna hit that was all over the radio in the 80s. Then, I hear the clerk on her radio-headset-thing say to another invisible clerk somewhere in the store, "Oh, My God! I loooooove this song! Who sings it anyway??" I bit my tongue and just smiled to myself that this teenager had no idea it was Madonna singing. While I admit I have never owned a Madonna album or CD, this song was part of the soundtrack of my youth -- heard everywhere from radios, parties and dances. Yes, I finally felt my age Saturday afternoon.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's Finally Over!!!

The US Presidential election is finally over! Woohoo! It's been in the news since we moved to Texas in 2006. Yes, campaigning starts about two years before the election date...much too long if you ask me, but it lets candidates start fundraising earlier and we all know how expensive it is to run for president. Both Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney had to dig into their own pockets to support their own prospective campaigns.

Will I miss the endless political ads on television? No, not really, although they didn't bother me as much as the ads for the multitude of Propositions that were on the California ballot. It was estimated that it would take the average resident here about 30 minutes to vote considering everything that he/she had to vote for. I even kept a 'cheat sheet' that the San Francisco Chronicle published to keep track of all the propositions. It came in handy each time a prop ad appeared on television. In addition to state-wide props there were also municipal props...Must check to see if the prop allowing a new 49ers stadium off Great America Pkwy was passed and if the BART extension prop was passed.

The main thing I am hoping and praying for is that the president-elect does NOT raise taxes!! Let's just say there was a noticeable difference in the tax-rate moving from Texas to California...guess that's the price you pay for living with this gorgeous weather.

Oh, and for everyone amazed that the California Electoral College went Democratic during the presidential election and yet voted in Prop 8: this is a state that contains Hollywood and San Francisco and yet produced Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. Remember that the 'Governator' Arnold Schwarzenegger is Republican. California is a land of dichotomy in so many ways: socially, politically, and geographically. Yet, with all these differences people view the state the same way: a land of opportunity -- with the best weather.

Friday, October 31, 2008

San Francisco Here I Come!

To cap off a week of celebrating my birthday Hubby and I are heading to San Francisco for the weekend. Since it's my birthday, we're staying at my favourite hotel the St. Francis. It's right on Union Square so of course I'll be shopping my heart out...although, I'm not quite sure about Hubby...perhaps I'll point him in the direction of a camera store and/or Borders. But, I must admit that I'll be starting my Christmas shopping so it'll be more shopping for others than myself.

We're going to Jeanty at Jack's for dinner on Saturday night. This little French restaurant is in a building dating back to 1864 (yes, it survived the big 1906 earthquake) and, I believe, there has always been a restaurant (of one variety or another) operating in it since 1864.

We're leaving in a couple of hours, so I guess I should start packing. Although I have to do some...gasp...housework first...and perhaps I should phone my sister and find out what the niece and nephew want for Christmas.

Happy Halloween

Just want to wish everyone a Happy Halloween. Watch out for ghouls and goblins this evening and take it easy on the sweets. Hubby and I didn't buy any candy this year because we never get trick-or-treaters at the door (not many children in the neighborhood) and it's too much of a temptation post Halloween. Also, for all the Wiccans out there, hope you have a great celebration.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I Hate the New Facebook

Just went on Facebook after a long absence due to the whole relocation thing and I felt like Dorothy stepping into the land of Oz for the first time. What happened??? Why did they screw around with this??? In other words...I hate it.

The wonderful thing about the old Facebook layout was its simplicity as everything about a person was on the first 'page'. If you wanted to see photos or further information on a person then you clicked through to another 'page'. Quick, simple, concise. Go to someone's profile, and you could take a glance at what they've been up to lately, and then check something/someone else out. It was almost like a person's extended yearbook page. Now they have turned it into a personal reference book for an individual.

The powers that be at Facebook have killed the very 'selling point' of this social networking website, namely its ease-of-use and simplicity. Sure, the personal pages were cluttered looking, but blame that on the annoying applications that spread faster than mono in high school. Dammit...I wish users had been given the choice to keep the original Facebook layout as Yahoo did with its email (yep, I've still got Yahoo Classic). Guess this just means that I will be spending less time on Facebook...Wonder if others feel likewise...

Monday, October 6, 2008

Don't Box Me In

Boxes, boxes, boxes....My life seems to revolve around cardboard boxes. First I was packing cardboard boxes. Then, I was moving boxes and now I am living in an apartment filled with cardboard boxes. It seems like everyday is a new adventure in unpacking cardboard boxes. At least I finally found our drinking glasses -- of course it was the last 'kitchen' box I opened. The boxes are driving me up the wall...not to mention all the packing paper that needs to be folded for recycling.

Friday, September 26, 2008

We Are Finally Here

We finally made it to sunny California on Sunday. Driving from Dallas to Silicon Valley was a crazy idea. We were exhausted when we arrived at the hotel -- although we did make it in time to see the Cowboys game.

It was an amazing drive on I40. We saw a 'road-runner' scoot across the road in New Mexico and there's amazing stargazing out in Arizona. It was funny to go for miles with no sign of humanity, and then come across an Indian casino on the side of the road. Really, a casino in the middle of nowhere. This trip gave me a great appreciation of those earlier pioneers who crossed the American West with covered wagons.

At this point, we are in our new apartment surrounded by boxes. I'm slowly making my way through them -- at least I finally cleared the ones in the kitchen. The guest bedroom/office looks more like a storage room. So we had to clear out space for the Comcast guy to hook-up the modem by the desk, at which we can access by way of a path through the boxes. Oh, and I still have yet to find our drinking glasses...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hurricane Ike, Part I

Here's hoping that Hurricane Ike does not interfere with our travel plans to Texas this weekend...or creates a tropical storm next week on our moving date...Rain I can handle -- 60mph winds are not a 'walk in the park'.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Is Marion Really a Barbarian?

Another side to Cowboys running back Marion Barber. I love how tough he is on the field, but seeing him play the piano makes me love him more. Looks like his apartment might be next door to TO's at the Azure...

(Had problems adding this link, but it is from HBO's 'Hard Knocks'.)

Cowboys Fan

Last Sunday I convinced Hubby that we should find a sports bar to watch the Cowboys season opener against Cleveland. This was after discovering that the San Francisco 49er games get coverage above all others in the Bay area. Luckily after an internet search we found this great sports bar in Palo Alto called Old Pro. They have multiple plasmas mounted on the walls showing every NFL game and it was packed. The food was good, but the atmosphere was electric. Discovering this bar totally makes up for not having the NFL network.


Yesterday Hubby was checking on a shipment of business cards that was to arrive from Ottawa as there are a couple of big meetings tomorrow. After tracking the shipment with FedEx he discovered that the person who sent them addressed them to Sunnydale, California. Sunnydale does not exist, although it did serve as the fictional town where Buffy the Vampire Slayer trolled cemetaries. Wonder if he got the office manager to sign for the packages as 'Buffy'.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hanging Out in SC

Hubby started his new job this week and I tagged along to hang out in in Santa Clara, California not South Carolina. At the moment there is a 'heat wave' with temps hovering around low 90s -- in Texas that's called spring/fall weather. So, we've been enjoying the cooler temps and I've been lounging by the pool while Hubby is slaving away at work. I've also been amusing myself with a great read "A Much Married Man" by Nicholas Coleridge, and the crazy-media-microscope that is covering Sarah Palin. The woman can't win for losing when it comes to her media coverage...and it isn't liberal-media bias because Hillary Clinton was under the same media-microscope. Guess some media big-wigs get their knickers in a twist just thinking about a woman getting within presidential range. Still, I'm amused at how 'Canadian' Sarah Palin is: she's a hockey-mom who love moose meat and snowmobiling. Gee, I grew up in Quebec and have never been on a snowmobile and honestly don't enjoy game meat...she really may be more Canadian than I am.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I Hate Packing

Our apartment looks like it got hit by a tornado. Boxes here and there with items piled and scattered about with no reason. Packing is the the bane of my existence. I hate packing. Perhaps hate isn't a strong enough word. I loathe packing. We're trying to do more packing ourselves for this move to bring down the cost. Yippee.

Monday, August 18, 2008

California Here We Come

Hubby officially resigned from his job today so the 'cat's out of the bag': he's got a new gig at a start-up in Silicon Valley so we're moving to California in a few weeks. Life has been crazy this month as we waited for the law firm to file the visa transfer and finally received receipt of it from Homeland Security. Now we must decide on a moving company and pack. We're still waiting to hear from the rental in California to see if we've been 'approved'. Credit checks for rentals...this is what the mortgage crisis has created. We're incrediby excited about starting this new adventure.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Olympic Fever

Lately I've been struck by Olympic fever...much to Hubby's chagrin. Every evening I feel compelled to turn the television to NBC to catch up on the swimming and gymnastics. Last night was thrilling with the women's gymnastics all-round (I think that's what it's called) final with Shawn Johnson and Nastia Liukin. I was cheering for Liukin as she is from North Texas, and I was annoyed at how the media had prematurely crowned Shawn Johnson. Liukin was so elegant she made her routines look easy.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Mama Mia

Dragged Hubby to see 'Mama Mia' on Saturday (after I convinced him that 'Dark Knight' would be too crowded this weekend). He thought it was okay (and it did provide an escape from the Texas heat), but I liked it. Must admit that I was frustrated by the way the singing/dancing scenes were shot/directed: mediocre choreography, cameras out of focus at times, and dancing scenes shot with little to no wide-angles. Why bother having dancing scenes if you are filming from the waist up? Overall, I left the theatre feeling happy with the movie, but disappointed in that it had the potential to be even better if it had been under the helm of a 'more-seasoned' director. If you enjoy ABBA music you'll like 'Mama Mia', if not, don't bother.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Mad Men Marathon

Today I'm surviving the Texas heat with the blinds closed, curtains drawn, ac cranked, and the television turned to AMC for a Mad Men marathon. I love this show and can't wait until the new season starts next Sunday. The writing is brilliant. Hubby loves to quote the beatnik's question 'How do you sleep at night' (upon discovering that Draper was in advertising) whereupon Draper replies, 'On a bed made of money.' I love how authentic the show feels with the art direction (costumes, set design, props) from the period. The countdown is on until next Sunday night.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Freedom of Speech

"The best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market...I think that we should be eternally vigilant against attempts to check the expression of opinions that we loathe and believe to be fraught with death."

Oliver Wendell Holmes

"Western governments are becoming increasingly comfortable with the regulation of opinion. The First Amendment really does distinguish the U.S., not just from Canada but from the rest of the Western World."

Mark Steyn

How much do you value the freedom to express your opinion? Check out this New York Times article.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Royal Chef

On July 1st, as I was getting my daily dose of Tim and Meghan on Fox Good Day, I remembered that it was Canada Day. No, it's not that they mentioned it, but they did remind us that it would have been Princess Diana's 47th birthday that day. Yes, it is weird how I know that her birthday coincided with Canada -- although, what's even more strange is that I know Pamela Anderson's birthday also falls on Canada Day.

Fox 4 mentioned Princess Diana's birthday because they had her former chef from Kensington Palace, Darren McGrady, showing how to make her favourite no-bake cheesecake. It looked so yummy that I convinced myself that I should actually look up the recipe and try it at home.

The chef himself was quite personable (ie chatty) on television, but it was difficult to decipher the recipe. So, I had to Google him and find his website, which is called The Royal Chef. Apparently he has also written a recipe book -- which I might have to search for at Borders. Look under recipes and it is listed as 'Greek Yogurt and Strawberry Cheesecake'.

The only thing holding me back from trying it this week is that we are off on a roadtrip today. Plus, it involves using a food processor. Yes, I have a strange fear of my food processor. Okay, it really is not a phobia...more like I am intimidated by my food processor. I had big plans to use it all the time, but the blades are sharp...Maybe it goes back to the time I did props for a production of 'Noises Off' and I had to pulverize a concoction of shredded newspaper, water, and whatnot every night and shape it into tiny sardines on multiple plates. All for the Theatre.


We're doing a roadtrip to San Antonio today and I'm so excited that I woke up early this morning. The only drawback is that I haven't packed yet...and I hate packing. Hubby has given me a high-noon deadline, so if I'm not packed and ready to go by then...well, he won't be happy. Guess he wants to make it through Austin before rush-hour tonight.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Bachelorette: What Was She Thinking?

Yes, I watch The Bachelorette. No, I do not take it seriously. It adds amusement to my life and I enjoy the man-candy -- I may be married, but I am not dead. But, after last night's episode I am not sure that I want to continue tuning in every Monday evening.

DeAnna's choice of final two men is bizarre. One is a divorced single father and the other is a snowboarder. She is only 26 so I can understand her falling for the snowboarder because he offers tons of fun and zero responsibility. Meanwhile, I question whether she has really given much thought to becoming an instant step-mother. The other strange thing is that I thought she didn't want to move far from her family in Georgia, and she has chosen one guy who makes a living sliding down mountains on a snowboard (not much snow in Georgia) and the other lives in Seattle --the exact opposite corner of the country.

Guess I was shocked last night when she said goodbye to Jeremy. He was the perfect guy with the perfect life, and a southerner to boot. What was she thinking? If she were 30, this is the guy she would have chosen.

The way she spoke to the 'cast-off' bachelors last night was harsh. None of those men deserved to be spoken to that way. They already had been sent home so why did she have to be Ms. Nasty. I hope she gets the life she picks and that karma comes back to bight her.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Big Sur Fire

This morning on the news I noticed that a wildfire is closing in on Big Sur. Apparently the fire that is consuming part of the Los Padres National Forest was started last weekend from some dry lightning strikes. Highway 1 is closed beyond Carmel and homes have been evacuated. Big Sur is a naturally beautiful area with soaring redwoods. Let's hope that not all will be destroyed. Check out the live webcam at Nepenthe, although right now all one can see is smoke.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Gecko Sighting

The Gecko's back in town for another season. Okay, I suppose there is more than one in my neighborhood, but I like to think of the gecko as my very own. It was spotted this morning after my walk and I saw it turn from brown to green on the gate post. I like to think that the gecko brings good luck.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Mad Men

A new season of Mad Men is starting on July 27. Hubby and I have started the countdown. For fellow fans, those who are interested, or for those who do not receive the Sunday New York Times, here's a preview of the article to appear in this Sunday's magazine (a.k.a. one of the reasons to subscribe to the Sunday edition).

Friday, June 13, 2008

Still in Shock

Still can't believe that Tim Russert is dead. It was shocking to read about his passing online just a couple of hours ago. Word is still out on whether it was a heart-attack or cardiac arrest, but it is brutal for this to happen to anyone while at the workplace. Would anyone really want to die at work?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hot in Hollywood Rocks

Hubby has been in NYC and Boston the past couple of days, and as a result I have had way too much time on my hands, and I have watched way too much television for my own good.

Dare I admit to even watching the Home Shopping Network in the wee hours of the morning because I am an insomniac without Hubby by my side. Yes, while trying to fall asleep Sunday night I discovered Hot in Hollywood on HSN. Yes, I just fell in love with this brand and had to put my self-restraint into high gear so as to not pick up the phone and order the white capris. Ahhh, the white capris that I really want to's love. Basically, Hot in Hollywood takes the latest trends and translates them into affordable pieces. Why? Because who can afford to spend hundreds of dollars on an item that will be out-of-style next year?

In addition to HSN, I discoved Gems TV that really lulls me into sleep and dreams full of bright, sparkly jewelry with gems I've never really heard of before: Tanzanite? Morganite? But, oh, how they sparkle.

Friday, June 6, 2008

William Shatner Does Pulp

I just found this awesome Star Trek animation set to a William Shatner version of Pulp's 'Common People'. Love the song, but Shatner really puts a strange spin on it...If the link doesn't work, try searching William Shatner and Common People on Youtube.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Lauren Hutton

Lauren Hutton was on the fourth hour of the Today show this morning and she looks beautiful. I was surprised to learn that she is 64! She hasn't had surgery and she does look older than she did twenty years ago, but she looks wonderful and she glows. Maybe it is the make-up she was hawking for women over 40. Gee, I'll buy a ton of that make-up if they can guarantee that I'll look like her when I am 64.

Summer Cold

Hubby and I finally made it home from the Santa Fe roadtrip on Memorial Day. New Mexico, Santa Fe and Taos are all awesome; it's unlike any other place on earth, and it was amazing to drive across the Texas panhandle into New Mexico. At one point, about 10-20 miles from the state line -- after driving for hundreds of miles along flat prairie fields -- there is a hill 'dug out' from the fields and as you descend if feels like the earth opens up and suddenly there are rock formations and small mountains in the distance. I was speechless by the beauty of such a barren land.

Ten hours is a looooong road trip and we stopped at the golden arches, Wendy's, and a DQ along a desolate stretch of old Route 66 (which actually had the cleanest bathroom out of the bunch). It's interesting how the 285 route is on a gradual incline that you don't really notice except that the temperature outside kept dropping the closer we got to Santa Fe.

I loved Santa Fe, but I'm afraid that the altitude was not a friend to me. Physically I was thirsty all the time, although that could have been from the high desert...or it could have been that I was catching a cold -- of which I am now suffering. My first major cold since we moving to Texas two and a half years ago. Maybe that's why I was slow to clue in to the fact that I was getting sick because it had been so long since the last one.

Having a cold in the summer is slightly messed up. The first night we arrived back and I was bundled up because I had the chills and hubby was sweating because I made him turn the ac up a couple of degrees. It just feels weird eating chicken soup when it's 95F outside.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Say Hellow to Summer, aka Welcome to Texas

Whew! Looks like summer has already started as the mercury hit 99F yesterday in Dallas and will probably peak at the mid 90s this afternoon. It was 80F when I went for my morning walk at 9:30am. Looks like spring has finished and it's another six months of summer weather. Hopefully we can sneak in a few more weeks of patio weather.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Another SATC Movie SJP Only Print Ad

Today I paid a visit to my 'hair god' Brian. The highlights were growing out and my bangs kept getting in my eyes and driving me batty -- let's just say I think I know how Brittany felt last year when she shaved her head.

As I sat with in the salon looking like a freak show thanks to the foil all over my head, I grabbed the latest 'In Style' magazine for a look. No, I don't really really this mag as it's a 'glance-at-the-photos' publication. Then I saw it. A print ad for the Sex and the City movie. Yes, the ad only contained a photo of SJP and NO ONE ELSE! Sorry, but SJP can't carry a movie, and SATC is an ensemble. This print ad campaign is lame -- let's see a group photo featuring the other lovely ladies of SATC including SJP. Hmmm, makes me wonder if Candace Bushnell is going to get ANYTHING from this movie since she created the SATC column way back in the day...

Monday, May 5, 2008

Stars Win After Quadruple Overtime

Last weekend Hubby's buddy from Vancouver was in town and, as we are Canadians, the weekend included drinking rye and going to an NHL game. Okay, to be honest, I did not partake of the rye, but Hubby more than made up for that by drinking enough for the two of us.

The NHL game we attended was last night's match between the Dallas Stars and the San Jose Sharks. A week earlier I had predicted that the Stars would sweep the series, and I was feeling slightly jilted because they had lost a couple of games after winning three straight games.

The Stars finally got on the scoreboard after a second period goal by Antti Miettinen, and all seemed to be going well for the Stars until Ryane Clowe tied it with a goal early in the third period. Then the game went to overtime. Again, and again, and again, and again. Four periods of overtime. The ushers left and some of the crowd also took off early, but we stayed on until the wee hours of the morning. I think it was around 1:30 a.m. when Brenden Morrow scored the winning goal that unleashed the diehard Stars fans into a frenzy of cheers and white-towel-waving while the green and white streamers fell.

What a night. At least I didn't have to get up early and drive to the airport and drop-off Hubby's buddy, then make a presentation at work first thing this morning like Hubby. But, he enjoyed every single moment of it all remarking that it was like a 'double-header' game last night. I think he was secretly hoping that it was going to beat the record for longest overtime play. Now it's on to the Red Wings.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Earth Day Already?

Happy belated Earth Day! I am always forgetting holidays, but as long as I remember Mother's Day, Father's Day and Hubby's birthday I think I am doing well.

It was difficult to forget it was Earth Day if you watched any show on NBC that day. Everyone seemed to be wearing green clothing or going off on tangents about climate change and the environment.

On the topic of Earth Day, I must mention that while Hubby and I were on the way to the Indian Casino in Oklahoma* on the weekend we noticed these huge semi-trailer trucks carting something strange. At first glance it resembled a huge dinosaur tusk, but that didn't make sense because it wasn't carefully covered. Then I thought it might be a piece of artwork for a museum installation. After we saw three of these semi-trailer trucks pass, Hubby (ever the sharpest knife in the drawer) concluded that they were part of a giant windmill that generates electricity. They were massive in size and probably on their way to West Texas.

*Okay. Must admit that it was my idea to check out the Indian Casino, Choctaw, in Durant, Oklahoma. I dragged Hubby there because I wanted to check it out due to the flood of advertising they've done on radio and television lately. Alright, I have a thing for slot machines. Yes, I know that the odds are stacked against anyone winning on them, but I am amused by the noise and flashing lights. It's strictly entertainment. Hubby tried some blackjack (better known to me as '21' when I played it as a child with my Gram). We were surprised to discover that Oklahoma taxes this game by asking for 50 cents per bet...really. Guess they want their cut of the profits. Hubby and I felt quite young while we were there as the average age was 62. We didn't stay long as the smoke was overpowering -- especially the stench of cheap cigars. They really need to invest in a better ventilation system or start pumping in oxygen like the big casinos in Vegas.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sex & The City Movie Ad

Recently I spotted a print advertisement for the new Sex & The City movie that is coming out to theatres in May. Basically, it had Sarah Jessica Parker's name splashed across the top in bold lettering with a huge photo of Ms Parker underneath. Meanwhile, the other ladies are featured with tiny photos in the bottom left corner with their names printed in small (as compared to Ms Parker)typeface. Is this advertisement a joke? Or maybe this conveys Ms Parker's personal viewpoint of the movie: it's all about her character. Gee, and here I thought Sex & The City was an ensemble. Seriously, not sure if I can handle the movie being mainly about the Carrie Bradshaw character...this may be a rental for me.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


The past couple of days have seen the finales of a few shows that I watch on television, including 'Rock of Love II With Bret Michaels', 'Biggest Loser', and 'Real Housewives of New York City'.

First, the Sunday night finale of 'Rock of Love II' was highly anticipated by Hubby and myself. The show is like 'The Bachelor' on an acid trip. Gotta love the query, "Will you stay here and continue to rock my world?" Much better than, "Will you accept this rose?" The women on the show were slightly more subdued than last year, although there always seems to be a crazy person or someone that everyone else hates. The final two were Daisy and Ambre with Bret Michaels choosing Ambre. I was totally surprised by this decision since Ambre appears to be a mature, confident woman who is just a few years younger than himself -- as opposed to the twenty-year age difference with Daisy, a 'girl' who could not talk her way out of a paperbag even if her life depended on it.

Second, the 'Biggest Loser' finale was last night. Must admit that this is my guilty pleasure. I started watching episodes last year, but was never really hooked into watching each episode like I was with this past season, and I really can't explain it. Perhaps it was because I was secretly rooting for Kelly and her ex-husband Paul. Week after week, even after Paul was sent home, it looked like Kelly would be sent packing only to get above the yellow line at the weigh-in. Another woman, Ali, won last night, but her abrasiveness prevented me from rooting for her. It really is amazing to see how much weight each person has lost. Although, I must admit that at the beginning of the season I had a major cupcake craving because they would always have them in the temptation challenges...and I would invariably have one while watching 'Biggest Loser'!

Third, the 'Real Housewives of NYC' was also on last night. Hubby does not watch this as he finds it over-the-top, but I see much humour in these women of excess. The finale was anti-climatic and seemed to cut the season short...or maybe the season wasn't long to begin with. Nothing really exciting except Bethenny threatening Jill with a chopstick after she drilled Bethenny about what presents she received for her birthday. Perhaps it was hitting too close to the boyfriend-moving-in-getting-married-getting-pregnant questioning that Bethenny is herself obsessing over in her own mind. It was great to see the Countess doing volunteer work with an organization that helps get homeless people off the streets, off drugs, and back into the workforce. She helped a woman by going through a mock interview and giving critical advice regarding what to wear on an interview. The show ended with an anniversary party for Jill and Bobby at the 21 Club. Nothing shocking except Ramona was late, but very apologetic, and Alex's children were absolute monsters. Not only do these kids need a good haircut, but they need to be taught how to behave well in social situations. This show makes me yearn for the somewhat easygoing ways of 'The Real Housewives of OC'.

Friday, April 11, 2008


Yesterday I went shopping for a spring dress. Alas, I had no luck finding a dress that looked good on my body. Yes, like most women I do not have a perfect figure, but I like myself and want to go through life wearing nice clothes and looking good. While at Macy's I noticed racks of suits on sale so I picked a handful and went off to a fitting room. Sizes are not uniform and everything from fabric to style can affect how a suit fits. After trying on a handful of suits that weren't quite right I tried on the Tahari skirt and jacket. What a pleasant surprise; the suit fit like it had been tailored for me. So, if there are any ladies out there looking for a great suit, try Tahari.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Last Night's Real Housewives of NYC

As the first season comes to a close with the finale next week, the women are finally appearing more sympathetic. The first episode made them appear one-dimensional, and while they're not as endearing as the OC Housewives, there does appear to be a sensitive side emerging.

Honestly, I could not stand Ramona in the beginning. But, after hearing her background story regarding her mother and father, everything she does makes complete sense now. Her mother was trapped in a miserable marriage due to economic reasons, so Ramona became an independent woman and has difficulty relating to the co-dependent Alex and Simon relationship. Ramona did overreact slightly, but she did explain that she had a rotten day at work. Kudos for her admitting that she went to therapy and also for marrying a really kind and understanding man.

The Countess disappointed last night with her etiquette hang-ups. First, to correct someone (especially infront of cameras) for making an etiquette mistake is rude. Second, Bethenny is on a first-name basis with her boyfriend's driver and it was only natural for her to introduce the Countess to him using first names. Thirdly, a Countess named LuAnn? I would have definitely changed that 15 years ago into something more plain like Ann or Lu, or fun like Lulu. Loved that she wanted her son to learn breakdancing and that she likes to hangout with her twentysomething niece. But, honestly think she's more fun when she's not around the Count and her kids.

Jill was really grating in the beginning, but she is evolving into a likeable 'character'...oops, person. Wish she would take it easier on her daughter and show her as much love as she shows her little dog (and the dog licking her nose is disgusting). Her accent is unreal! But, she really gave some great advice to Bethenny last week regarding her 'running away' to Miami to avoid her problem with Jason. She is grounded and stable and admires her succesful sister, which must have been difficult growing up and being compared to her.

Alex, or should it be Alex-Simon, let's just label them Silex because they seem to be joined at the hip. What a pretentious pair!!! Honestly, they are the comic relief of the show. I can imagine that Francois will be picked on at school. They are so particular about how they look, where they go, who they socialize with and yet their house is awful; maybe even a dump. Perhaps they should cut some of their social climbing for a season and focus on fixing the place. On the positive side, Alex has shown kindness to Bethenny while she has been going through a difficult time with her boyfriend.

Bethenny so far is the most down-to-earth among the bunch, but she isn't really a housewife is she? She's divorced and dating a recently divorced man with kids and she's really trying to sort out that situation with regards to her own dreams of having a child at some point. Gladshe went back to him after her weekend in Miami, although her girlfriend down there was brutal with the comments regarding her motherhood dream. Loved how she reacted to the Countess and her etiquette obsession.

As this first season concludes it leaves me wondering whether they will do another season in NYC, or if they'll go from city to city. Still, can't beat the ladies in the OC.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Out With The Old

Recently I have been struck by urges to clean house. You know, out with the old stuff we have been lugging around for ages and getting down to what is really useful and required. Ruthlessly going through clothing, shoes and handbangs and donating what I have been keeping that no longer fits and that I have not worn in two years...or frightfully, since two or three moves ago...really.

For some bizarre reason I hold onto items of clothing for sentimental reasons, like the long black gown I haven't worn in more than ten years, but what fun I had wearing it to the gala that night. It is now gone to the Arc Dallas box at Albertsons (McKinney and Lemmon), as well as my tiny size 6 skirts and slacks as my days of starvation are long over (and eating is a 'good thing'). My favourite green wool turtleneck and cardigan that I saved to buy from Benetton all those years ago is there too, as well as the bright pink wool sweater set I bought a couple of weeks into dating my husband and the sweater matched the glowing blush in my cheeks, but that was almost nine years ago and I have not worn it in five years.

I read somewhere that getting rid of old clothes and things that no longer have meaning in your life creates space for new things to enter your life: out with the old and in with the new.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Happy 100 Bette Davis!

This morning while sipping coffee and perusing the movies on Turner Classic Movies, I noticed that there is a Bette Davis movie marathon on today. Why? Well, today marks one hundred years since the birth of Ruth Elizabeth Davis (1908-1989), one of the late great movie stars of the 1930s and 40s. Love those old black and white films where everyone seemed more elegant and clever than today. My memories of Bette Davis are limited to late night television showings of 'All About Eve' and 'Jezebel', and seeing Ms. Davis on 'The Tonight Show' with Johnny Carson in the 1980s. Really tempted to stay in today and watch Bette Davis movies, although I've missed 'The Cabin in The Cotton' from 1932 with one of my favourite movie quotes: "I'd live to kiss you, but I just washed my hair."

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

How Do They Get Those Low Prices?

Wal-Mart just dropped a lawsuit against a former employee who has been left brain-damaged after a car accident. Wal-Mart sued the family to recover medical costs totaling about $470,000. After bad publicity the retail behemoth has dropped the claim. Sometimes you have to wonder what they really do to get those low-prices, and let your conscience be your guide before you set foot in a Wal-Mart again.

Go Forth and Spend

Everyone keeps going on about the sputtering of the US economy. Talking heads giving away financial advice on television tell people to save the tax-rebate, but really what good is it going to do in the bank earning next to no interest. Go forth and spend that tax rebate. Honestly, go out and buy something new for yourself. Look at this rebate as a surprise gift and buy clothes, shoes, a handbag, a samll LCD television, etc. Of course, don't buy all of those things at once, but think of something special that you didn't get for Christmas and treat yourself. Spending this rebate money will help stimulate the economy, and maybe make you feel good yourself. Although, if you've gotten yourself into one of those craaaazy sub-prime mortgages, the only advice I have is to 'find' God and pray, and maybe think twice before getting yourself into buying a home again. Don't go crazy worrying about your investments because this time next year everything will have corrected itself and we'll be on the road to recovery. Business cycles have a way of going back up after they fall. Now, if I can only convince Hubby that my spending is part of my plan to help stimulate the US economy into recovery....

Friday, March 21, 2008

Last Night's Lost Episode

Wow! Last night's Lost episode had me on the edge of my seat. We learned what happened to Michael (and a bit about Walt) since he made it back to NYC. Really freaky that he couldn't succeed in killing himself...hmmm...didn't think the island's powers would continue once people had left. The other freaky thing is how 'Mr Friendly' appeared in NYC without any problems. Was the sub their only way off the island? We finally learned that Penny's father is behind much of the treachery: digging up dead bodies in Asia, procuring a jet and then a freighter to drop it all in an ocean trench so deep that no one can retrieve it to identify the bodies. So, Ben is correct in his assumption that these people didn't come on a rescue mission, rather they are there to kill everyone on the island! Yikes. The episode ends with Rousseau and Alex's boyfriend being shot and Alex surrendering. Just can't believe that we must wait another month for the finale. Oh, the agony of delayed gratification.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Save Edith Wharton Monument!

The only monument to writer Edith Wharton is facing closure. The Mount, the mansion Wharton had built in 1901, is facing foreclosure unless enough money can be raised by March 24. Please visit The Mount's website for further details on how to contribute to keep the doors open to the public.

I was first introduced to Edith Wharton's work during high school when the novel Ethan Frome was required reading in our English Lit class. As a grown woman I have come to love some of her other works like House of Mirth, The Age of Innocence, and one of my favorite books The Buccaneers. Hubby and I had the pleasure of visiting The Mount in August 2004. At that time only a couple of rooms had been restored, and the garden was brilliant. Edith Wharton's books are a wonderful reflection of New York society at the turn of the twentieth century, much like the way Candace Bushnell's novels reflect current New York society. So, was Edith Wharton the Carrie Bradshaw of her day?

Help save the only monument to this great American writer at

Texas in March

Texas has to be at its most beautiful during the month of March. Aside from the extreme changes like snow one day and patio weather two-days later, it's all par for the course. Hubby and I have enjoyed Sunday brunch out on the patio of one of our local taverns for the past three weeks. The birds are chirping (very loudly some mornings), red buds are blossoming, daffodils are out, and the leaves are finally emerging on trees. Dallas is awash in green.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Disney Disappointment

March is the month of birthdays for my niece and nephew. Since we are in the US and they are in Canada, slipping money in a card and mailing it is not an option, not to mention wrapping a present and sending it. So, we decided to send them Disney gift cards as they are going to Disney World in April. I emailed Disney last month to make sure they would mail the gift cards to Canada, and they emailed back reassuring me that they would indeed mail them to Canada. So, last Friday I placed the order online and received a confirmation. Unfortunately, I received an email yesterday telling me that their legal department did not allow the gift cards to be mailed to international addresses. That's fine, but I really wish someone at Disney would have informed me of that when I originally made my inquiry, then they could have sent the gift cards to me and I would have sent them to Canada via Fed Ex. But, since my niece's birthday is the beginning of next week we had to scramble and wire money to my sister. Unfortunately, I do not think I will be shopping with Disney again.

Texas Snow Day

Hubby just phoned to say that everyone was leaving early this afternoon from his workplace due to the forecasted snow fall. That would be two to three inches of snow falling. Meanwhile, back in Canada that would be laughed at. Seriously. These Texans get their knickers in a twist a the mere mention of snow falling on the roads. Perhaps it's due to the rarity of such events, or maybe it's because of the extremely tall highway overpasses/interchanges that are constructed here (with such nicknames as 'the Dallas mixmaster' and my fave 'the High-Five'). Anyway, it's a partial 'snow day' for Hubby.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Clinton Surprise

I am still surprised that Clinton won the Democratic Primary in both Ohio and Texas yesterday. Stayed up late watching the results on CNN and was certain that Obama was going to take Texas, but Clinton pushed through towards the end. CNN called it for Clinton close to midnight Central Time, and by that time Hubby had gone to bed and I was glued to the television. Still can't believe she pulled off those two victories. Maybe it's time she takes off the kid gloves with Obama. But, I'm still thinking that the turning point in this Democratic run-off was the whole Canadian Consulate/NAFTA fiasco with Obama. It all comes down to doing one thing and saying something else.

Monday, March 3, 2008

New Clinton Ad

I really like the new Hillary Clinton television advertisement. You know, the one showing the mother checking in on her sleeping children, and feeling safe because someone with experience is looking after the country. It's subtle but sends a strong message underlining her strength, and it invokes an emotional response. Big pat on the back to the creative team behind that one. Brilliant. (Someone did their homework and studied the 1960s LBJ ad with 'the girl and the daisy' which cuts to the atomic bomb, which also created an emotional response against Goldwater.)

Let it Snow

Apparently it's snowing at the moment in parts of the DFW metro area. Haven't seen any snowflakes in Uptown yet, but you never know. Funny that it was 85F two days ago, but that's Texas for you.

Get Booked Up

Instead of sleeping in last Saturday morning, Hubby and I crawled out of bed at 7am. (To clarify, I crawled blurry-eyed since I am not a morning person, Hubby was bright-eyed.) Crazy, I know, but we decided to take a day trip to Archer City, Texas, home of the -- what can only be described as -- the world's largest used book store Booked Up. It's so big that it takes four buildings to hold all the books. Yes, that's right, four buildings. As an avid book lover I was overwhelmed by the number of books I really wanted to purchase. Both of us really had to limit the number of books we bought, but somehow we managed to drop some serious cash at this shop. I found signed books by Susan Sontag, Antonia Fraser, and the Duke of Bedford (which they had missed, perhaps because it was a personal inscription to an employee). I think they had more books than the library at the university I attended. Next time we go I think we'll make a list of the books and/or subjects we would like to find. Booked Up is my mecca.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Will You Be My Constant?

Will you be my constant? My anchor through jumps in time? I need you so my brain won't short-circuit...

Okay, if you don't watch Lost you will not understand this post. Last night's episode was so intense and thought provoking that Hubby and I had to rewind (thank God for Tivo! The world's greatest invention.) to catch what was going on between Desmond and Faraday. It was especially heavy at Faraday's Oxford office (1996) with Desmond learning that he needed a 'constant'. Essentially someone to anchor him through time so his brain won't short-circuit. Of course Desmond chose Penelope as his anchor. It was all slightly convoluted but made more sense during the second last scene when he phones Penny, as promised on Christmas Eve 2004, and thereby saves his brain from being fried. The final scene has Faraday going through his journal and seeing the note he wrote to himself in 1996 (after he meets Desmond) that says something like Desmond will be my constant. Maybe the word constant could become a term of endearment. Greeting cards will ask 'would you be my constant?' Oh, the possibilities...

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Firemen & Food

Hubby and I live in a revitalized urban neighborhood which has lots of retail and restaurants within walking distance. When Hubby is at work I am just a short stroll to pick up items at the market. Usually I try and run errands in the morning when it's cool, since this is Texas, and when I can safely jay-walk without fear of some speed demon running me down. Did I mention that there are quite a number of crazy drivers in Dallas?

Anyway, it seems like whenever I am at our neighborhood market there is always a fire engine parked outside. At first I naively thought that they must have a problem with people pulling the fire alarm -- some people have strange kicks. Then I noticed a couple of firemen with shopping carts buying food. So, what's the story with firemen and food? Is it because they have spare time between fires that they indulge in gourmet cooking? Perhaps it is to renew their energy in preparation for the next alarm. Wouldn't that make a great show on the Food Network? Have someone visit different firestations and have the guys prepare their best dishes? Or, maybe focus on one or two firestations? Of course, that could be problematic if an alarm sounds and the chef has to run to fight a fire. Very dramatic, though.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Political Ads

The political advertisements running on local Dallas television networks have hit a feverish pitch this week, what with the Democratic primaries taking place here on March 4th. At this point in time I am sick to death of them. One moment it's Obama, next it's's driving me crazy since this isn't even the presidential election yet. What's it going to be like in autumn? Americans really go crazy during elections. Just imagine the millions of dollars that have been paid so far for media advertising. There really should be a cap on political advertising in the US.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Oscars = Big Yawn

I was so hyped last night about watching the Oscars, what with the WGA strike settlement finally ending the award-show drought. But, it was a complete and utter waste of air time. Even the red carpet coverage was blah. By the end of the night did I really care? Maybe it's telling that this is the first time in more than a decade that I haven't seen any of the films nominated for best picture. Big yawn. At least 'No Country For Old Men' was filmed in Texas.

Saturday Night Addendum

I can't forget to mention the couple that were standing in front of us on Saturday night. Whenever the woman went for a smoke I had a perfect view of Dylan, but we never tried to squirm our way in. So, towards the end of the show her boyfriend/partner motioned for me to move ahead when she went for her latest cigarette break. We chatted briefly, but man-oh-man this guy reminded me of Spicoli. You know, Spicoli, Sean Penn's character from 'Fast Times at Ridgemont High', although he had more facial hair and wore a bandana on his head. The voice was so Spicoli, which makes me think the dude must have been from California.

Bob Dylan Swings the House of Blues

Saturday night's Bob Dylan concert at the House of Blues in Dallas proved that he can still rock, but with a little swing.

Hubby, his colleague from work, and myself set out for the show just before 6pm so we could grab a bite for dinner at the House of Blues restaurant. Unfortunately we were unable to sample their cuisine since there was a 40 minute wait list for a table, meanwhile the tables on the porch were empty because there was no service outside. What is the point of putting tables and chairs outside? They missed out on making lots of dough that night. We headed across the street to Luna de Noche for a Tex-Mex dinner. The enchiladas were the best I've had so far in Dallas while the decor was elegant and hip. Great place to go while waiting for the doors for GA to open at House of Blues.

While getting into the House of Blues for the concert were were checked by the metal detectors, and then my handbag was checked. Since this is Texas I just assumed they were checking for concealed weapons, but no, they were checking for cameras. Of course, that's the night I just happen to pop a camera in my bag. Hubby was kind enough to run it over to the car while we waited outside. Perhaps they should print 'no cameras allowed' on the tickets. Ironically most people have cameras built into their phones and there were plenty of photos being taken. Also, one would think Dylan would be more concerned about the audience recording the concert.

The crowd was a variety of ages but the majority appeared to be over thirty. We found a place to stand with a bar for drinks towards the back where you could catch glimpses of Dylan. With guitar in hand, he opened with a rocking rendition of 'Rainy Day Women' and then followed with 'Lay, Lady, Lay'. The songs were well received by an exuberant audience. There was a bizarre moment during the first song where a young fan climbed up on stage and appeared to try and speak with him. Luckily the fan was scooped up by security and Dylan cooly played on.

After the first two songs Dylan then proceeded to the keyboards, which were strangely placed to the side of stage left, not facing the audience but rather more facing stage right so that those standing in the right side of GA got a great view of Dylan's backside. Why wouldn't they place the keyboards front and center stage if he was going to be playing there for all but two songs? Perhaps he has a bit of stage fright?

His supporting band was awesome. Loved the use of the stand-up base. They really worked well together as well as with Dylan. Most of them wore hats including Dylan. Since we hadn't heard his new CD we were surprised by the rockabilly swing of some of the new tunes. Dare I say that this style really suits him? The music had me trying to get Hubby to dance. Okay, I danced and he just stood there holding me and twirling me several times, but still, I never would have thought I'd be dancing like that at a Bob Dylan concert.

I was holding out hope that he would sing 'Girl Of the North Country' as an encore since the review in the Dallas Morning News said he did a rendition of it on Thursday evening, but he chose a rousing version of 'Along the Watchtower' instead. Guess he's trying different playlists before the start of his South American tour. Nothing holds back this grizzly troubadour from unleashing his songs to a new generation.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Last Night's Lost Episode

Loved last night's Lost episode, and, yes, I was slightly surprised by the ending. The episodes was named 'Eggtown' and the first scene featured Locke frying a couple of eggs for prisoner Ben. Then we are led to believe that Kate has, well, 'shed her egg' after refusing to get it on with Sawyer...of course, since this is television, nothing is really stated. Ironic how there are television advertisements for 'feminine protection' but no one actually speaks of it...This makes me wonder how the women survivors on Lost make do when 'Aunt Flo' makes a visit. I don't mean to be gross, but really what do you think they used before they discovered all the Dharma loot in the hatch?

Anyway, the big surpise is that Claire's baby Aaron made it off the island and Kate has everyone believing that he is her child. What's happened to Claire? Is she dead? Is she still on the island? And, why is Jack unwilling to see Aaron. Is he filled with guilt regarding what happened to Claire? Did he ever discover that Claire is his half-sister? What we can deduce from the episode is that the Oceanic Six got paid a huge sum from the looks of Kate's beautiful, huge home in California not too mention the nanny for Aaron. Also, from Jack's courtroom testimony we discover their 'cover story' is that eight people survived the plane crash, and six actually made it off the island. So, did they get paid a huge amount of dough to cover-up the existence of other survivors? Maybe this is guilt money because once they were rescued they could not find the exact location of the island to go back and rescue those who remain.

Dylan at House of Blues

From Barry Manilow to Bob Dylan, that's a week in the life of yours truly. Hubby and I were lucky enough to get tickets to one of the three sold-out shows Bob Dylan is giving at House of Blues in Dallas this week. Last night's show got a good review in the Dallas Morning News, so here's hoping I'm able to recognize at least one of his songs tomorrow evening.

Honestly, I've seen Bob Dylan in concert once before. That concert was a double-bill with Joni Mitchell at the Corel Centre in Kanata in Octobert 1998. My friend Amanda will remember that one because it was her friend that drove us there in his gigantic pick-up truck...and then he proceeded to get quite stoned and unable to drive us back to the city. So, since I could barely see over the steering wheel, Amanda drove the huge truck back into the city...Good times.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Yesterday evening I dragged Hubby to see Barry Manilow in concert at the American Airlines Center. Manilow's music was part of the soundtrack of my childhood during the 1970s, so listening to it is a bit like going home. When I heard he was coming to Dallas I knew we had to go...even though it was months away. No, I didn't wait in line all night for tickets like 'Will & Grace', but yesterday I realized why someone would become a 'fanilow'.

Manilow is not just a performer, he is an entertainer and his show was slick and smooth while keeping the audience enthralled for every moment of the 90 minutes he was on stage. It was incredible to realize that everyone (okay, excluding Hubby) was singing along and waving the Manilow Glowsticks in the air. The woman next to my husband started hyperventilating when he started playing 'Looks Like We Made It'...really. Another Fanilow came with her mother and daughter -- complete with yellow feather boas. Loved when he talked about his grandfather in the middle of 'I Made it Through the Rain', a man who was a major influence in Manilow's life.

Manilow really has a wide-appeal when you look at the young, old, and middle-aged audience, although it was predominantly female. After last night's show I can't wait to see him in concert again.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Nip/Tuck Keeps Shocking Audience

Last night's episode of Nip/Tuck was shocking. After Gina's unfortunate demise a couple of episodes ago and the strange demise of the CAA agent by the crazy-teddy-bear-making-Sean-obsessed-wannabe-agent, I really did not think this show had any boundaries left to cross. But, I was wrong, the writers found another line to cross and cross it they did. This time it is a major taboo. After we see Matt in bed with the young woman from Georgia I was happy that he had finally found a 'normal' girlfriend. That is until she mentioned that she had finally met her 'father'...who just happened to have performed laser treatment on her several days before. Yes, that would be Christian who is blissfully unaware and happy that Matt has found a 'normal girlfriend'. Yikes!!!! Okay, they're half-siblings, but it's still so weird. Ewwwww!!!

On top of all this strangeness, Julia finally realizes that Eden has been slipping mercury into the fruitcake and confronts her. Eden just happens to find Julia's gun and fires a shot at her accuser. Is Julia dead? Will anyone find out that Eden has been poisoning Julia? Kudos to the fearless writers on this show for never ceasing to surprise, and sometimes offend, their audience.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Let me start this post by professing my aversion to needles. Can't stand them; can't look when I'm getting blood drawn. This is a common aversion, so when I decided to try acupuncture I'm sure I'm not the only person to be terrified when I went in for my first session. Wearing glasses instead of contact lenses helped because I have no peripheral vision and could not see the needles going into my skin. It's interesting how some points are more sensitive than others all depending on the energy that needs to be channeled and balanced. Now that I'm over my first session I'm no longer terrified, although I still choose to look away while the needles go in. Wish I could bottle the overwhelming feeling of relaxation, and yes balance, that happens after acupuncture.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Superbowl No-Show

Okay, I must admit that I did not buy into the Superbowl hoopla this year. It could be because I really did not care for either the Patriots or the Giants. Why watch a football game when you don't want either team to win? The Patriots were playing the perfect football year to the point of being annoyingly brash with confidence. Everyone loves cheering for the underdog team, but I just could not bring myself to cheer for the Giants. This dislike stems from their play off victory over the Cowboys when their defense kept knocking Romo down. The only consolation I could draw from the end of the game was the fact that they kept knocking Brady down, and with it the Patriots' dream of a perfect year. What meaning does winning have when you lose your one and only season game at the Superbowl? So, here's hoping the Cowboys will be in the big game next year.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Last Night's Lost Premiere

Hubby and I have been awaiting the premiere of the new season of Lost for weeks. Okay, well, maybe I've been anticipating it more than Hubby, but we've both been catching up by re-watching last year's episodes on DVD -- where the picture quality is phenomenal.

Last night's episodes was intriguing because we discover that only six people make it off the island as Hurley (flash forward) refers to being one of the 'Oceanic Six', and something mysterious happened on the island because Hurley asked if Jack came to visit him to see if he would tell what they 'did'. So, if only six people were rescued what happened to the other castaways? Were they murdered? Did they decide to stay on the island? (Of course, Locke more than likely decided to stay island-bound.) Or, were they left on the island so the other six people could be rescued? Hopefully we'll get answers by the end of the season, although there are only eight episodes completed before the writers' strike so who knows what will be solved.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Look Out For the Tumbleweed

Dallas is getting some major wind gusts today. DFW reported the wind-speed (is that a term?) at 53mph and delayed flights. It is strange getting weather warnings on television for strong wind; they forewarn of poor visibility due to the dust swirling in the air. I keep expecting to see tumbleweed rolling down our street.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

SAG Awards

Thank God the Screen Actor Guild Awards are on television tonight. It's been a long movie award season drought due to the WGA strike, which hopefully will be negotiated and a new agreement signed prior to the Academy Awards. I miss the gowns, jewels, and glamor that comes with these shows, not to mention the overlooked movies that are highlighted and catch our attention. The current red carpet coverage is dull; it makes me pine for the days of Joan Rivers yakking to/at the actors.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Media Ignoring John Edwards

At first I thought it was just because he came in second in the Iowa Democratic Primary/Caucus or whatever it is called. I watched the results on CNN and they downplayed the second-place showing of John Edwards. But as the weeks pass, I'm beginning to notice that the media finds it difficult to even acknowledge that there are three people in the Democratic race. What is the cause of this media-bias against a candidate? Unfortunately, the media is owned/controlled by corporations that are concerned with their bottom-line and John Edwards is running on a campaign focussed on closing the gap between the rich and poor in the US. He has also been critical of health insurance companies, and the way that some big corporations have disregarded their employees, oh, and he wants to get rid of Washington lobbyists. He is also not accepting donations from the aforementioned corporations. Big corporations dread a John Edwards presidency, hence he is the invisible candidate in the eyes of the media. There must be other people out there that realize the huge void in Edwards media coverage, right?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Nip/Tuck: Gina, Gina, Gina

Last night's Nip/Tuck episode really freaked me out when they showed Gina accidentally falling from her highrise rooftop while having sex with Christian. What a total surprise! I had heard that a character was going to die this season, but the writers really wanted you to think it was going to be meth-addicted Matt or poisoned Julia (can't believe the doctors did not test her for toxic substances). Not once did anyone suspect Gina was going to die. I can still see her character falling while calling out to Christian.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Giants? Really?

Still cannot believe that the Giants beat the Packers. The game was in Green Bay and the arctic temps favored the home team. What other team could play in -2F (windchill of -23F) weather? Now the Giants will be playing the Patriots in the Superbowl. Hate to say it, but I will be rooting for the New England Patriots. Anybody but the Giants.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Simmons Out of Apprentice

The only reason Hubby and I have been watching Celebrity Apprentice for the past several weeks is because of Gene Simmons, and now he is gone. We think he purposely did not bring Nelly back into the boardroom because he really no longer wanted to be part of the show, and we can't really blame him. This show is going no where fast and the Apprentice has grown tired. Haven't watched it since Trump installed his son and daughter to oversee the two groups as I'm not a fan of nepotism. Gene Simmons was truly enjoyable to watch as he has a natural acumen for business, and he really doesn't care what people think of what he says or does.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Smokey Elephant

In preparation for yesterday's James McMurtry gig at the White Elephant in Fort Worth I drank copious amounts of coffee. It certainly pepped me up but with a certain edge...Very edgey at the beginning of yesterday evening, and lets just say that James McMurtry music is not mood enhancing. But, all turned out well as Hubby, his colleague, made our way to the Fort Worth Stockyards.

The White Elephant Saloon is an experience in itself as this place has been around forever, or so it seems from the decor and ambience. Straw cowboy hats, with each owner's name attached, are nailed to the ceiling, and photos of visiting celebrities from the world of country music and hollywood are framed on the walls -- apparently Michael Keaton made his mark at the pool table here in the early 90s. Very smokey place, but cigarettes seemed right at home at the saloon although I was surprised at the amount of cigar smokes in attendance. The guys around us were friendly and very big James McMurtry fans.

As for James McMurtry himself, he did not disappoint and turned in a fine performance. It is amazing how he sounds exactly the same singing live as he does recorded. A musician rather than an entertainer his efforts to interact with the audience were hindered by the testy sound equipment, which seemed to slide as the evening progressed. The only downside was the sound quality towards the end; lots of feedback...or maybe he's veering towards an edgier sound.

McMurtry is true to himself and his music -- he follows his own path, and therein lies his strength. Those who have discovered his tunes appreciate his music and crafted storytelling. We had a great time and enjoyed his gig. Hopefully we will have another opportunity to see him perform in the upcoming months.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

January Days

Today is an absolutely dreary day due to a lingering overcast sky. Yesterday I made a pilgrimage to North Park and had a fill of retail therapy. January may be full of overcast skies but it is the month of major retail sales as shops try to rid themselves of winter clothing and accessories. Why shop in December when the markdowns happen the next month. Found a great flared skirt and black trousers at Nordstrom, so many racks and so little time. The racks at Macy's can be overwhelming as everything seems scattered.

Going to the White Elephant Saloon in Forth Worth tonight to see singer James McMurtry perform. Hubby was introduced to his work through a colleague, and we listened to McMurtry's music on a road trip to Austin last October in preparation for a November performance in Denton --which was eventually cancelled. This could turn into an adventure tonight..

Monday, January 14, 2008

How To Look Good Naked

'How To Look Good Naked' is a new half-hour television show on Lifetime starring Carson Kressley, that fabulous stylist from Queer Eye. I watched two episodes on Saturday after saving it on Tivo and I love it. The show deals with average women of average weight -- those who fashion themselves after models may view them as fat -- who have self-esteem issues. Carson Kressley shows how their self-perception is askew as most view themselves as two or three sizes than they really are. He helps them accept and love the size they are, while also showing how to wear clothes to flatter rather than hide their figures. In the end, he gets each woman to pose 'naked' (their private 'bits' are tastefully covered) and proves that the way to look good naked is to have confidence and love the body you're in. Of course, having strangers compliment you while your photo is projected onto a building is a huge ego boost for any woman. Love yourself and the rest will follow.

Cowboys Blown Away on Sunday

The Cowboys played so well in the first half of yesterday's play-off game with the Giants. Marion Barber was outstanding and the team really seemed to be on a roll, a victory seemed to be within reach. Unfortunately, they were blown away by the Giants in the second half. They seemed like a completely different team. Romo kept getting hit, which is not a good thing -- you really don't want your QB getting knocked off his feet. Meanwhile, it seemed like none of the receivers could catch the ball or hang onto it. There is always next year, but which team will I cheer for now that both the Cowboys and the Colts have been knocked off?

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Test Drive

Yesterday Hubby and I took the car to the Classic BMW dealership to check out the new models and talk about buying at the end of the lease. The dealership isn't new but it is a new location with a snazzy new building. Big change from the old one on US75 in Richardson. Lots of glass and chrome in which to showcase the shiny 2008 models. Hubby and I got wacky and, on a whim, took a new X3 model for a spin. Wow, great ride for a small SUV. It felt like I was driving a car, although Hubby insists that it doesn't hug the curves as much as the 325 but I didn't think it was that bad. My only complaint was that the bumps on the road were more pronounced than in the car, but this could have something to do with the X3 being higher. Think we're going to keep our lovely, little 325 and buy it at the end of the lease. I want to keep it until it's a vintage car and has tons of character, much like the old porsche David Duchovny's character drives in 'Californication'.

Get The Popcorn Ready

He's back. Better get the popcorn ready because T.O. is playing for the Cowboys in today's playoff game against the Giants. For some bizarre reason T.O. likes to shower himself in buttery popcorn after he scores a touchdown. long as he scores touchdowns he can do whatever he wants to do with popcorn.

Hubby and I are ready for the upcoming Cowboys vs. Giants game later today. I've got my Marion 'The Barbarian' Barber t-shirt on and will have my giant '#1 fan' finger ready. It's great news that Marion-the-barbarian will start in today's game. Hopefully this will make an impact early on in the game. Love how he plows through the guys trying to tackle him and how he actually pushes some of them away while running with the ball. What I really want to know is why his parents named him Marion.

Everyone in Dallas this week was upset about Tony Romo going away last weekend to Cabo with Jessica Simpson. What's the big deal? The players are allowed to take time off and relax, right? What I find weird is that she brought her parents along for the trip. Yeah, she's 27, divorced, and brought her parents on a weekend trip to Mexico with her boyfriend. Am I the only one to find this weird behaviour? Hubby has a theory that Jessica's father has set up the relationship to generate publicity for his daughter's fading career, while Romo gets to date Jessica Simpson. Also, I have a sinking feeling that it was Joe Simpson who took the photos of Jessica and Tony (Tonica or Simpsomo, take your pick) while in Mexico and sold them to the tabloids. long as she does not show her face at Texas Stadium during play-offs. Now, if they can position the Cowboys cheerleaders in Eli Manning's way so as to distract him...

Friday, January 11, 2008

Unleashing Your Inner Monica Gellar

Remember the character Monica from the television show 'Friends'? She was addicted to cleaning and keeping her life neat and tidy. Okay, you could refer to her character as anal retentive. This afternoon I have been unleashing my inner Monica Gellar and have been cleaning like a mad woman.

Cleaning is great therapy. I was feeling a bit mopey and decided to start cleaning, and I just couldn't stop. As the cleaning progressed so did my spirit. Bizarre, I know, but there is something to be said for being busy and making one's home look better. Maybe it's because of the repetitiveness of the cleaning that makes it therapeutic; or maybe it's because you can put all your aggravation into scrubbing and take it out on the floor. Really can't explain it, but cleaning is my therapy. Try unleashing your inner Monica Gellar.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Post Holiday Blues, Part 2

Tried to shake the post holiday blues with some retail therapy yesterday afternoon. It's amazing how some retail time boosts the spirits. The only drawback was that I woke up this morning feeling wiped out and I feel, well, blah. Maybe I should go out for another walk since the clouds have disappeared and the sun has emerged. Or, perhaps I really should finish the home re-org. thing since the office is full of boxes.

Beer Blog

Hubby just informed me via instant message that he and a co-worker want to start a blog about beer. Should I be worried?

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Post-Christmas Funk

This past Sunday Hubby and I took down the Christmas tree and decorations and now I'm in a post-holiday funk. Don't know why but this seems to happen every year after everything is down. It's the after Christmas blues, I suppose. Guess Christmas wouldn't be special if we kept the tinsel up all twelve months. Got to shake the blahs. Perhaps getting organized will do the trick...or a little retail therapy, although I don't think Hubby would give me a thumbs up on the latter item. Hopefully the Cowboys will win this Sunday and that will perk up my spirits and make January bearable.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Britney Madness

Obama and Huckabee both claimed victories in Iowa last night. Meanwhile, over on the west coast Britney Spears had a major meltdown. Guess which event is all over the radio and television in the United States? Yep, it's that totally crazy Britney Spears. Apparently she actually does want the kids despite missing depositions and having a couple of lawyers resign over her lack of cooperation in trying to gain custody. A three-hour police stand-off may get her media attention, but what does it say about her parenting skills? Hopefully her children will not be emotionally scarred by last night's events. Personally, I don't think she really wants to be a mother because she really has not made an effort to clean up and get her act together. Britney is a train wreck and unfortunately the media will not turn away. Hopefully she will get the help she requires to turn her life around before it's too late.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Air Canada Blues

Oh, Air Canada, if only you had more competition...

Hubby and I flew Air Canada to the Great White North for Christmas Holidays. Must admit that we used air miles and did not pay for the tickets. Loved the personal video screens for each seat and that Air Canada flies out of Terminal D at DFW -- the shiny new terminal. Hated Air Canada's customer service. Guess we're used to flying American Airlines, where everyone now uses self-check-in and so waiting to check-in is usually no more than five minutes. At DFW, Air Canada had no one working the self-check-in desk the morning we flew, and so we waited 30 minutes to check-in while watching people breeze through American Airlines check-in. The other bizarre thing is that after showing picture identification and a boarding pass, Air Canada attendants' require that you show your boarding pass yet again when you enter the airplane. This results in a line and delays boarding. Why show your boarding pass on the plane yet again? Most people know where their seats are, and if not, the seats are marked. Also we experienced a couple of passenger trying to switch seats while people are boarding. This should only be allowed at the desk prior to boarding.

Another gripe is the fact that we have to go through security yet again when getting a connecting flight through Toronto. At no time after landing and before going through Canadian Customs did we leave a secure area, and yet we were required to have our carry on bags go through security. Oh, well, an extra layer of security. The worst part of this was the surly security personnel -- the rudest around. Let's just say that after flying for awhile I have a system of where I place my bags, liquids, coat, shoes, and this involves a couple of containers. The surly security woman made me take things out even though everything was ready to go through the security x-ray. After I went through the x-ray and was waiting for my items, I pushed an empty container down to the end to get it out of my way. That's when another surly security person said: "What? Do you work here now?" Okay, I usually push empty containers to the end when waiting for my items because it helps other people along, and most times I'm thanked by the security personnel who are so busy. The guy who went through the x-ray before me was also annoyed by their rudeness and told the security people to "lighten up". I really do not want to make a connecting flight through Toronto ever again.

Oh, but the last straw was our flight back to DFW. Our first flight was from Ottawa to Toronto on Air Canada. Everything was going well and we were on schedule UNTIL the flight crew made the decision to wait for three people who were making a connection. And so we waited 15 minutes for the three people, then we waited another five to ten minutes for their luggage to be put in cargo. In total, our flight was delayed by more than 45 minutes before taking off. So, in order to acommodate 3 people Air Canada made ten times that number either miss their connections or be late for connecting flights. The attendants wouldn't even announce which gates people should go to for connecting flights. Maybe they realized that some passengers had actually missed their connections. A fellow sitting beside me had less than five minutes to get to his flight. Hubby and I walked as quickly as possible to the US connections where we waited fifteen minutes for our luggage, and then proceeded to US Customs where we waited another fifteen minutes. We got there just in time to board. Don't think we'll be flying Air Canada the next time we go home. It really is too bad that there is no competition for Air Canada, because competition is what it needs to get its act together and improve.

ipod Battery Dying

The battery life on our (okay, technically it is Hubby's, but I've slowly staked my claim on it) ipod is slowly slipping away. The first indication was last month when I was out for my daily walk and the battery died after 40-45 minutes. Tried to fool myself by blaming the rainy weather, but today was sunny and it went silent after just over 30 minutes. According to my 10-year-old nephew (I'm trying to be a cool auntie), it's a first-generation and perhaps they have improved the battery-life on the 'new generations'. I really don't know why the batteries must die on these, except Apple will get more bucks from people buying newer 'models', I mean 'generation'. The only consolation is that the latest generation ipod does not have the annoying buttons at the top as they are not user-friendly. Now, I must find a way to justify the purchase of a new ipod to Hubby. If only Apple had discount sales.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Clutter Free Life

New Year's Day and Hubby and I made the trek to Target. We were amazed that some shops were open for business as it is a statutory holiday in the Great White North, so we decided to check out Target. Amazingly the store has already shifted the focus from Christmas to Valentine's Day and spring. We picked up season 3 of Lost to refresh our memory before the new season begins, and we also invested in a couple of storage boxes. Every January I make the resolution to live a clutter free life, and this year is no exception. So, hopefully I will begin to throw away stuff that no longer has meaning...if I don't procrastinate. There must be others like myself as Target had plastic storage boxes for sale throughout the store, and the Rubbermaid aisle was swarming with people. Perhaps it's the thought of starting a fresh life with a brand new year that inspires people to discard past relics. Maybe this is a good time to also discard the grudges, the painful thoughts that plague us and drag us down, and begin the year with forgiveness. Wipe the slate clean and let go of the past and focus on the present. Clutter is not only the physical variety but it is also the thoughts we hold on to that keep us from becoming happy and succesful. A clutter free life is the ideal.

Back Online

Hubby and I arrived back to sunny Texas just in time to shop at Northpark, and then toast in the New Year at a Dallas Stars game. Unfortunately the Stars lost to Nashville, but it was amazing to see the American Airlines Center filled to capacity -- much to our surprise it was their fourth consecutive sell-out. The Stars really need more youth out on the ice, although Zubov plays hard Modano was, according to Hubby "just floating". After the game we gathered with a couple of thousand people at Victory Plaza to watch a local cover band called 'TOP' perform. They were awesome as they played a varied selection of tunes from the last 30 years. Hubby and I 'cut a rug' when they played "Brick House" and Santana tunes. The crowd got the best of me with 20 minutes to midnight and we headed back to the car and had an excellent perspective for the fireworks over American Airlines Center.