Friday, September 17, 2010

Moving On

September has been crazy for Hubby and I. The big news is that we will be bidding the US farewell and moving back to Canada. Luckily Hubby is able to transfer to the Canadian office of the high-tech start-up where he works at marketing techy stuff to other tech people -- if I tried to explain the techy stuff my head would explode.

We are moving in about six weeks. Yikes. My tummy just lurched. So many things to do in so little time. But, despite the fact that I am prone to high-drama, I am sure we can get everything accomplished. We have bought a house in a suburban town West of Ottawa (I'll be a West-end Girl!) that will officially be ours as of October. So, we have a place to live. We have also contacted moving companies regarding quotes and have narrowed it down to one. This move will be financed by us since Hubby's boss refuses to pay for it as Hubby requested the transfer, and that really makes me regret moving my Great Grandmother's piano across North America. But, since it is a family heirloom I feel compelled to bring it back to Canada.

The last month or two we have been trying to visit places in Northern California we love, like Healdsburg in Sonoma county, and Cambria near Paso Robles. I hate to mention Cambria as it's my secret. It's a sleepy, rustic, artist colony along the coast off Highway 1 that hasn't been overrun with fast food chains or big hotels. I love Moonstone Beach and walking along the boardwalk. Healdsburg has an amazing bed and breakfast called Honor Mansion that we hope to visit in the future if we're back in California, and one of the best restaurant I've ever eaten at, Dry Creek Kitchen
Here's hoping we can find awesome dining experiences in the Ottawa-area.

Much to Hubby's dismay, I have also been trying to get my fill of Bloomingdale's and Nordstrom's before we move. What will I do in Ottawa? Most likely I will face major retail withdrawal going cold-turkey from these two department stores. Honestly, I am not sure the Holt Renfrew in Ottawa can hold a candle to Bloomingdale's or to Nordstrom's.

The next few months will be full of stress and excitement as we prepare for the big move. Hope we won't suffer reverse-culture shock from trying to live in Canada again after almost five years living in the US. Time to move on.