Friday, October 31, 2008

San Francisco Here I Come!

To cap off a week of celebrating my birthday Hubby and I are heading to San Francisco for the weekend. Since it's my birthday, we're staying at my favourite hotel the St. Francis. It's right on Union Square so of course I'll be shopping my heart out...although, I'm not quite sure about Hubby...perhaps I'll point him in the direction of a camera store and/or Borders. But, I must admit that I'll be starting my Christmas shopping so it'll be more shopping for others than myself.

We're going to Jeanty at Jack's for dinner on Saturday night. This little French restaurant is in a building dating back to 1864 (yes, it survived the big 1906 earthquake) and, I believe, there has always been a restaurant (of one variety or another) operating in it since 1864.

We're leaving in a couple of hours, so I guess I should start packing. Although I have to do some...gasp...housework first...and perhaps I should phone my sister and find out what the niece and nephew want for Christmas.

Happy Halloween

Just want to wish everyone a Happy Halloween. Watch out for ghouls and goblins this evening and take it easy on the sweets. Hubby and I didn't buy any candy this year because we never get trick-or-treaters at the door (not many children in the neighborhood) and it's too much of a temptation post Halloween. Also, for all the Wiccans out there, hope you have a great celebration.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I Hate the New Facebook

Just went on Facebook after a long absence due to the whole relocation thing and I felt like Dorothy stepping into the land of Oz for the first time. What happened??? Why did they screw around with this??? In other words...I hate it.

The wonderful thing about the old Facebook layout was its simplicity as everything about a person was on the first 'page'. If you wanted to see photos or further information on a person then you clicked through to another 'page'. Quick, simple, concise. Go to someone's profile, and you could take a glance at what they've been up to lately, and then check something/someone else out. It was almost like a person's extended yearbook page. Now they have turned it into a personal reference book for an individual.

The powers that be at Facebook have killed the very 'selling point' of this social networking website, namely its ease-of-use and simplicity. Sure, the personal pages were cluttered looking, but blame that on the annoying applications that spread faster than mono in high school. Dammit...I wish users had been given the choice to keep the original Facebook layout as Yahoo did with its email (yep, I've still got Yahoo Classic). Guess this just means that I will be spending less time on Facebook...Wonder if others feel likewise...

Monday, October 6, 2008

Don't Box Me In

Boxes, boxes, boxes....My life seems to revolve around cardboard boxes. First I was packing cardboard boxes. Then, I was moving boxes and now I am living in an apartment filled with cardboard boxes. It seems like everyday is a new adventure in unpacking cardboard boxes. At least I finally found our drinking glasses -- of course it was the last 'kitchen' box I opened. The boxes are driving me up the wall...not to mention all the packing paper that needs to be folded for recycling.