Friday, October 19, 2007

Rise of the Plastic Woman

Recently I have noticed women of a certain age not really looking their age. Actually they don't really look 'normal'. It looks like they've escaped from the wax museum, or have had their faces frozen in a wind tunnel. This 'plastic woman' has been seen recently in the US, I have spotted varieties in California and Texas, but I am sure they are scattered throughout North America -- predominantly in areas of concentrated wealth. They are out there and if you haven't seen one yet, be patient you'll seen one soon enough. The scary part is when you look at the 'plastic woman's' face and then look at her bony, vein-popping hands. I'm all for looking as good as you can for as long as possible, but the plastic surgery phenomenon in the US is out of control. The advertisements bombard you everywhere you turn. Perfection available for a price, and the 'plastic woman' has the money to provide a lifetime without wrinkles. We must stop the 'plastic woman' phenomenon before she becomes the basis for what we think of as normal and beautiful. We should embrace wrinkles and normal aging, and advocate that aging and wrinkles are not only acceptable, they are beautiful.

1 comment:

Ethel said...

I agree with you 100%. I'm a 40+ year-old woman who never wears make-up and I refuse to color my hair. In fact, if I ever do color my hair, it will be white. And, this does not make me unattractive. Just a few weeks ago, a man 20 years younger than I am propositioned me. The whole "beauty" industry can smooch my fanny!