Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Luddite Land

Found the gloves. Just in the middle of packing, but what I'm really trying to adapt to is the idea of being offline for the next 10 days. You see my parents are Luddites. Okay, in all honesty they probably have no idea what the word means, but they are Luddites nonetheless. No DSL, no internet connection at all, no computer, no answering machine. My Mother really does not understand what all the fuss is about internet. When I tried to coax her into learning she waved her hands at me saying "No, no, no!" They are happy just the way they are. At least they now have a second phone. Needless to mention that my teenage years were made ever more difficult with only one phone at home -- and it was in the kitchen. My Mother would actually correct my grammar when I would finish a telephone conversation. Anyway, now there are two cordless phones and no internet. But they do have a typewriter.

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