Friday, February 22, 2008

Last Night's Lost Episode

Loved last night's Lost episode, and, yes, I was slightly surprised by the ending. The episodes was named 'Eggtown' and the first scene featured Locke frying a couple of eggs for prisoner Ben. Then we are led to believe that Kate has, well, 'shed her egg' after refusing to get it on with Sawyer...of course, since this is television, nothing is really stated. Ironic how there are television advertisements for 'feminine protection' but no one actually speaks of it...This makes me wonder how the women survivors on Lost make do when 'Aunt Flo' makes a visit. I don't mean to be gross, but really what do you think they used before they discovered all the Dharma loot in the hatch?

Anyway, the big surpise is that Claire's baby Aaron made it off the island and Kate has everyone believing that he is her child. What's happened to Claire? Is she dead? Is she still on the island? And, why is Jack unwilling to see Aaron. Is he filled with guilt regarding what happened to Claire? Did he ever discover that Claire is his half-sister? What we can deduce from the episode is that the Oceanic Six got paid a huge sum from the looks of Kate's beautiful, huge home in California not too mention the nanny for Aaron. Also, from Jack's courtroom testimony we discover their 'cover story' is that eight people survived the plane crash, and six actually made it off the island. So, did they get paid a huge amount of dough to cover-up the existence of other survivors? Maybe this is guilt money because once they were rescued they could not find the exact location of the island to go back and rescue those who remain.

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