Thursday, May 29, 2008

Summer Cold

Hubby and I finally made it home from the Santa Fe roadtrip on Memorial Day. New Mexico, Santa Fe and Taos are all awesome; it's unlike any other place on earth, and it was amazing to drive across the Texas panhandle into New Mexico. At one point, about 10-20 miles from the state line -- after driving for hundreds of miles along flat prairie fields -- there is a hill 'dug out' from the fields and as you descend if feels like the earth opens up and suddenly there are rock formations and small mountains in the distance. I was speechless by the beauty of such a barren land.

Ten hours is a looooong road trip and we stopped at the golden arches, Wendy's, and a DQ along a desolate stretch of old Route 66 (which actually had the cleanest bathroom out of the bunch). It's interesting how the 285 route is on a gradual incline that you don't really notice except that the temperature outside kept dropping the closer we got to Santa Fe.

I loved Santa Fe, but I'm afraid that the altitude was not a friend to me. Physically I was thirsty all the time, although that could have been from the high desert...or it could have been that I was catching a cold -- of which I am now suffering. My first major cold since we moving to Texas two and a half years ago. Maybe that's why I was slow to clue in to the fact that I was getting sick because it had been so long since the last one.

Having a cold in the summer is slightly messed up. The first night we arrived back and I was bundled up because I had the chills and hubby was sweating because I made him turn the ac up a couple of degrees. It just feels weird eating chicken soup when it's 95F outside.

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