Friday, March 20, 2009

California Blonde

This morning I dragged myself over to my hairstylist because I could no longer tolerate my root situation. What with these tough economic times I was attempting to drag out the time between highlights...and I made it a whole eight weeks, six days. I tried, I really did, but those pesky white hairs drive me batty and I had become obsessed with them.

I love my stylist. She is super attentive to the highlighting process and, as a result, my blonde tendrils are healthier and less prone to split ends. The downside is she takes three hours to highlight and cut my hair. Okay, today it was more like two hours, 45 minutes, but that's still a long time. Perhaps it's because she uses an iron to straighten my hair instead of blowing it out. All the time it takes to be a California blonde.

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