Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Phineas and Ferb

Last weekend Hubby was at a photography workshop around Yosemite and I tagged along. While I didn't actually attend the workshop with him I did the 'Lost in Translation' thing and hung out at the hotel we were staying at. I indulged myself and went to the spa for a facial. When I went back to our room I soon discovered that the channels on the tv were either sports or children's programming. Somehow I found myself watching the Disney channel's marathon of the cartoon 'Phineas and Ferb'. Shockingly, I could not switch the channel as I became more and more engrossed in this crazy cartoon.

At first, I thought it strange that Phineas had a triangle for a head, but after an hour I stopped noticing it. I was amused by the bizarre and outlandish inventions the step-brothers create in their backyard, and how they never get into trouble because their parents never discover their antics.

Since arriving back home I have been searching for the Disney channel and --gasp-- recording 'Phineas and Ferb'. Hubby thinks I've gone loony; he laughs and shakes his head when he checks the DVR recordings and sees 'Phineas and Ferb'. Perhaps now my niece and nephew will think I'm cool.

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