Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Missing Texas Half Price Books

Last Sunday Hubby and I checked out a local used bookstore. We both love wandering around the aisles of shelves crammed with old books looking for hidden treasures. In particular, I enjoy looking for out of print books and get a thrill when I find one. It actually makes me want to jump up and down shouting, but then I realize that it's subjective and only myself cherishes my "new" book.

While this particular local used bookstore was good, there was something missing. Maybe it was that the aisles were too narrow and made me claustrophobic, or perhaps it was a particular smell that permeated the shop -- Hubby and I decided that it was the smell of garlic due to the adjacent restaurant. What this used bookstore clearly wasn't was Half Price Books.

The Half Price Books store that we used to frequent in Texas was big, not massive, but it had wide aisles that two people could be looking on either side of the shelf with no major space issues. There was a bench by the 'latest' books and magazines racks that could help you peruse and make decisions while sitting. The sections were clearly marked and organized. I could spend a couple of hours at Half Price Books, especially considering the amount of time it took me to go through all the discount racks outside the store.

Now there is a Half Price Books location about a 15 minute drive from where we live, But it is less than half the size of the one in Texas. The first time we went there I thought "is this it?". I went to the back of the store to see if there was a section we missed but there wasn't anything else. It was a huge disappointment. Hopefully they will expand over time. Until then, we'll have to search for other used bookstores.

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