Saturday, July 11, 2009

LL Bean Catalog Bigger Than July Vogue

Yesterday I received both the July 2009 issue of Vogue and the late summer 2009 LL Bean catalog in the mail. Much to my surprise, the LL Bean catalog was heavier and had 25 more pages than Vogue. I realize that the July issue is usually one of the smallest (next to January), but this is tiny. The huge fall issue usually has more pages of ad space before the table of contents than the total amount of pages in this issues, which comes to a grand total of 134. I've been feeling guilty since dropping my subscription last December and so I'm back to supporting this Anna Wintour rag. Here's hoping they've toned down the politics, cut-back on the British writers/editors to add more of an American viewpoint, and kept the sleek design layout.

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