Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Gymn Days

Given that Hubby and I will be flying to Maui in a week, I have been hitting the gymn hard the past couple of weeks. Two miles a day, five days a week for a total of ten miles. Could be much better, but I will work at it. Meanwhile, my feet are aching and I'm zonked most evenings.

Today at the gymn I noticed behaviour that irritates me to no end: a woman talked on her cell phone while on the treadmill. Very LOUDLY. Others in the gymn were wearing headphones listening to music or watching television, but one could still hear her. Do people have no shame? What about boundaries? Also, how can one workout effectively on the treadmill while carrying on a cell phone conversation? Grrr! I miss the days before cell phones when phone booths were tucked away in some private spot.

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