Friday, May 7, 2010

Long Week

The Visitors left a week and a half ago. Whew! I think it took me a week to recover. The in-laws may be in their sixties but they played us out. Perhaps it was because we were trying to show them a slice of Northern California and spent all our spare time in a car travelling somewhere...and then stopping and taking photos.

This week Hubby has been travelling for work. I saw him late Monday night and Tuesday morning, and haven't seen him since I dropped him off at San Jose airport on Tuesday. We've been chatting, although he's on East coast time so it messes me up. Tonight I must stay up until 1 am to phone and wake him up for his early morning flight.

Thank God Hubby is flying back home tomorrow because I am an insomniac when he's away. Yes, lately I've been up until the wee hours of the mornings on the laptop and watching HSN. For some strange reason, HSN is addictive when you're home alone late at night. Crazy thing is I actually taped the Hot in Hollywood segment this afternoon because I was out and But, really, I don't think of it as shopping as much as retail therapy. Hubby will not tolerate HSN so I will indulge until he makes it through the door tomorrow.

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