Saturday, September 29, 2007

It's happened again. Just after I start watching a couple episodes of a new television show that has premiered on a network for the fall season, the network decides to yank it off the air. Hubby and I started watching 'Nashville' on Fox a couple of weeks ago and actually liked it -- which surprised both of us. I thought it showed some potential if they would only focus more on the music business and less on the gossip and social life aspect of breaking into the Nashville music business. We were looking forward to watching it on Friday night but we couldn't find it on the tv schedule. Then I tried searching it on Tivo to see if Fox put it on another night, but it wasn't there at all. I really wish networks would let shows run to the end and tie up loose ends before cancelling. It just makes us not want to bother watching any new television shows. Thank God for cable television networks! I now live for 'Mad Men' on AMC...but that deserves its own post.

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