Monday, September 17, 2007

Have I mentioned that I've started watching the tv program 'Rock of Love with Bret Michaels'? It started just over a week ago last Saturday when Hubby and I were taking it easy, drinking coffee, chatting, and flipping channels on television when we came across VH1 and this show started. Guess we've missed most of the series as he's down to the last handful of eligible 'rocker chicks', but man-oh-man it's addictive. It's like watching a train-wreck -- you don't really want to watch but you just can't tear your eyes off the mess. Yesterday he met the parents of Lacey, Heather, and Jess. Jess seems to be the only woman there with sound and clear thinking. Lacey is completely nuts...but entertaining. Heather, well Heather is the stripper with a heart of gold-plated brass. He should pick Jess, but Heather somehow looks the role of rocker girlfriend.

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