Friday, January 25, 2008

Media Ignoring John Edwards

At first I thought it was just because he came in second in the Iowa Democratic Primary/Caucus or whatever it is called. I watched the results on CNN and they downplayed the second-place showing of John Edwards. But as the weeks pass, I'm beginning to notice that the media finds it difficult to even acknowledge that there are three people in the Democratic race. What is the cause of this media-bias against a candidate? Unfortunately, the media is owned/controlled by corporations that are concerned with their bottom-line and John Edwards is running on a campaign focussed on closing the gap between the rich and poor in the US. He has also been critical of health insurance companies, and the way that some big corporations have disregarded their employees, oh, and he wants to get rid of Washington lobbyists. He is also not accepting donations from the aforementioned corporations. Big corporations dread a John Edwards presidency, hence he is the invisible candidate in the eyes of the media. There must be other people out there that realize the huge void in Edwards media coverage, right?

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