Friday, January 11, 2008

Unleashing Your Inner Monica Gellar

Remember the character Monica from the television show 'Friends'? She was addicted to cleaning and keeping her life neat and tidy. Okay, you could refer to her character as anal retentive. This afternoon I have been unleashing my inner Monica Gellar and have been cleaning like a mad woman.

Cleaning is great therapy. I was feeling a bit mopey and decided to start cleaning, and I just couldn't stop. As the cleaning progressed so did my spirit. Bizarre, I know, but there is something to be said for being busy and making one's home look better. Maybe it's because of the repetitiveness of the cleaning that makes it therapeutic; or maybe it's because you can put all your aggravation into scrubbing and take it out on the floor. Really can't explain it, but cleaning is my therapy. Try unleashing your inner Monica Gellar.

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