Wednesday, April 16, 2008


The past couple of days have seen the finales of a few shows that I watch on television, including 'Rock of Love II With Bret Michaels', 'Biggest Loser', and 'Real Housewives of New York City'.

First, the Sunday night finale of 'Rock of Love II' was highly anticipated by Hubby and myself. The show is like 'The Bachelor' on an acid trip. Gotta love the query, "Will you stay here and continue to rock my world?" Much better than, "Will you accept this rose?" The women on the show were slightly more subdued than last year, although there always seems to be a crazy person or someone that everyone else hates. The final two were Daisy and Ambre with Bret Michaels choosing Ambre. I was totally surprised by this decision since Ambre appears to be a mature, confident woman who is just a few years younger than himself -- as opposed to the twenty-year age difference with Daisy, a 'girl' who could not talk her way out of a paperbag even if her life depended on it.

Second, the 'Biggest Loser' finale was last night. Must admit that this is my guilty pleasure. I started watching episodes last year, but was never really hooked into watching each episode like I was with this past season, and I really can't explain it. Perhaps it was because I was secretly rooting for Kelly and her ex-husband Paul. Week after week, even after Paul was sent home, it looked like Kelly would be sent packing only to get above the yellow line at the weigh-in. Another woman, Ali, won last night, but her abrasiveness prevented me from rooting for her. It really is amazing to see how much weight each person has lost. Although, I must admit that at the beginning of the season I had a major cupcake craving because they would always have them in the temptation challenges...and I would invariably have one while watching 'Biggest Loser'!

Third, the 'Real Housewives of NYC' was also on last night. Hubby does not watch this as he finds it over-the-top, but I see much humour in these women of excess. The finale was anti-climatic and seemed to cut the season short...or maybe the season wasn't long to begin with. Nothing really exciting except Bethenny threatening Jill with a chopstick after she drilled Bethenny about what presents she received for her birthday. Perhaps it was hitting too close to the boyfriend-moving-in-getting-married-getting-pregnant questioning that Bethenny is herself obsessing over in her own mind. It was great to see the Countess doing volunteer work with an organization that helps get homeless people off the streets, off drugs, and back into the workforce. She helped a woman by going through a mock interview and giving critical advice regarding what to wear on an interview. The show ended with an anniversary party for Jill and Bobby at the 21 Club. Nothing shocking except Ramona was late, but very apologetic, and Alex's children were absolute monsters. Not only do these kids need a good haircut, but they need to be taught how to behave well in social situations. This show makes me yearn for the somewhat easygoing ways of 'The Real Housewives of OC'.

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