Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Go Forth and Spend

Everyone keeps going on about the sputtering of the US economy. Talking heads giving away financial advice on television tell people to save the tax-rebate, but really what good is it going to do in the bank earning next to no interest. Go forth and spend that tax rebate. Honestly, go out and buy something new for yourself. Look at this rebate as a surprise gift and buy clothes, shoes, a handbag, a samll LCD television, etc. Of course, don't buy all of those things at once, but think of something special that you didn't get for Christmas and treat yourself. Spending this rebate money will help stimulate the economy, and maybe make you feel good yourself. Although, if you've gotten yourself into one of those craaaazy sub-prime mortgages, the only advice I have is to 'find' God and pray, and maybe think twice before getting yourself into buying a home again. Don't go crazy worrying about your investments because this time next year everything will have corrected itself and we'll be on the road to recovery. Business cycles have a way of going back up after they fall. Now, if I can only convince Hubby that my spending is part of my plan to help stimulate the US economy into recovery....

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