Friday, May 29, 2009

'Jon & Kate' Sickness

What is the national obsession with the TLC show 'Jon & Kate Plus Eight'? I just do not understand the fascination with watching a couple that have a set of twins and then were crazy and had sextuplets through invitro fertilization. Why would anyone watch this show?

Okay, I admit that I caught an episode while on the treadmill at the gym because there wasn't much else on at 11am. It was amusing to watch her shop for groceries and made me feel glad that my grocery bill would never amount to as much as hers did. But I had to turn the channel when she interacted with her husband at a toy store when shopping for birthday/Christmas gifts. She spoke to him like he was one of her children. It was embarrassing and I felt uncomfortable for him and I had to change the channel. If I spoke that way to Hubby our marriage would be over and vice versa. Perhaps couples should watch this to see how NOT to treat your spouse. Honestly, is anyone really surprised that this marriage is on the rocks?

After watching this trainwreck of a marriage does anyone in the United States still want to tune in to watch more episodes? I only feel pity for their poor offspring who will have this unfortunate chapter of their lives captured on film forever. Jon & Kate need an intervention immediately to save their children from years of therapy later on. Let's do them all a favour and not watch this horrendous show.

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