Friday, May 8, 2009

What's Up With Elizabeth Edwards?

Unless you've been living under a rock, you have heard that Elizabeth Edwards has written a book about her husband's affair. All the media outlets are giving her air time to promote it so that people will run out and buy a copy. What I want to know is: what drives her to do this?

If I were Elizabeth Edwards I would keep all of this private. Time has a wonderful way of burying scandals until they become footnotes in history. New scandals emerge to shock the population and gradually we forget past transgressions. Lie low and the tabloids will drop the subject, but if you try to capitalize on your scandal by writing a book then be prepared for the glare of media scrutiny. The National Enquirer, which broke the original scandal, probably has already paid hacks to follow Rielle Hunter around trying to get DNA.

Oh, Elizabeth, when will you realize that your man let you down, and if you take him back you must accept all the dirty laundry: skanky woman he cheated with and the possible child he fathered. But, most of us wash the dirty laundry in private and do not write books and go on 'Oprah'. Does she need: money, fame, sympathy?

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