Monday, November 19, 2007

How 'bout them Cowboys

After almost two years living in Dallas Hubby and I finally attended our first Dallas Cowboys game yesterday. (Okay, I will admit that last year I was less than enthusiastic for the 'boys, but this year they are WINNING and I love a bandwagon!) What an experience! We thought we'd go two hours before the game to be "early". Hahahah! Yeah, and when we got there the parking lots were almost completely full. To go early to a Cowboys game means to arrive at least four hours pre-game. The parking lots are insane: people sitting around in lawn chairs under 'tents', grills full of every imaginable meat, impromptu games of football, and we even saw flat-screen televisions on tailgates (guess that would explain some of the generators we saw being load up after the game). The parking lot we were in was a converted field with a bit of gravel strewn about -- it honestly felt like I was at Shawville Fair as we were making our way to Texas Stadium. Love how they have special routes for pedestrians into the stadium, which includes walking past crazy fans who take pleasure in heckling those who dare wear fan-gear of the visiting team. Texas Stadium is showing its age and is worse for wear (the bathrooms are awful) so it's a good thing that the new stadium will be open in 2009. One thing though is that there isn't a bad seat in the place. The Cowboys vs Redskins game was great. Hubby predicted it would be a blowout for Dallas and he was wrong; it was a close and exciting game. We were sitting in the end zone with the sun shining on us amidst all the crazy Redskins fans. The fans really get into the games. It was just as much fun to watch them as it was the game itself. I will admit that it's easier to follow football games on television than it is in the stadium, but nothing beats the exhileration of watching a Cowboys game at Texas Stadium. Go Cowboys Go!!

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