Friday, November 30, 2007

Cheese Heads Get Grated

The Cowboys beat the Packers last night and are now 11-1. Whoohoo! There were loads of crazy 'cheese heads' at the game -- still can't believe that people wear foam cheese on their heads. Crazy fans. The big moment was when Packers quarter-back Brett Favre was hurt. Is this the end of the season for him or the end of the line? Tony Romo played well -- he made the first touchdown pass look easy. Let's hope he can focus on the game for the rest of the season and not get too distracted from the ladies he's dating. Hope he remembers not to invite them to games...remember what happened the night Carrie Underwood was in the stands last January? Still trying to shake the memory of when he let that ball slip through his hands while setting up for the field goal (aka the bobble incident). Still cringe when I think of it. Focus on the game Tony.

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