Friday, November 16, 2007


Since it is less than a week until we take off for Maui, I decided to mozy down to our neighborhood Borders and peruse the travel books. They had a multitude to choose from, but I finally settled on a Top-10 book (Hubby loves these lists) and one listing various places to visit and great vistas along routes called "Maui Revealed, The Ultimate Guidebook" by Andrew Doughty, printed by Wizard Publications Inc. Of course whenever I'm in Borders I always end up buying more than I planned when I arrived. Found a great book for Hubby (although it weighs a ton) and will be part of his Christmas gift; and I picked up a book for myself on Peter Jennings. Bookstores are my weakness. Now I must decide what book to bring for Maui: a light, fluffy 'beach' book, or literature. This may take more time than packing.

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